Sunday 16 August 2020

Weigh In &n Baby F Fix (Aug.12, 2020)

I  decided that today would be my weigh in day for this week.
We had a couple of indulgences on vacation but we were careful to get in lots of extra steps that day so I wasn't betting that I would have a loss but I was hopeful that I at least didn't have a gain.

I weighed in at 230.6 lbs.
I was surprised and happy.

That's a 2 lb loss and I'll take it.
I'm so close to the 220's and inching closer to 50 lbs loss.
I'm very proud of myself for sticking to it and really trying.

I got out for walk at work today.
It doesn't look overly sunny but it was nice enough.
I wore my new top that I got in Revelstoke.
I really like this top but I have to admit that it really is a little big.
I likely won't be able to wear it for much longer.

I stopped at the store to pick up a few things and saw this new salad kit I'd never seen before so I picked it up for supper.

I also picked up a pork centerloin roast and My Honey cut some really think chops off it and bbq'd them up for supper.

We went for a walk to my son's after supper to see Baby F because we were really missing her.

Kitty found a new hang out spot.

She & My Honey were putting her babies to bed.

She gave one to My Honey to cuddle and I picked up one to cuddle too but she took it from me and said 'mine'.
So I picked up another and then she did the same, over and over.
Ha ha.
It kind of makes me giggle but I pretended to be sad about it and her caring side took over and she gave me one.

Then we turned the lullabies on her hippo night light and laid there and put the babies to sleep.

Then she remembered Baby Shark and so I let her have my phone to watch it and didn't get it back until we left, hence, no more pictures.
We stayed until almost 10 pm which was really late for us but being tired in the morning is totally worth it!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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