Wednesday 12 August 2020

Park Day with Baby F (Aug.1, 2020)

I got up this morning, had a coffee and watched some tv.
Miss H and my son were both working today so I said I would watch Baby F.

Miss H had to work at noon so I got ready after my coffee and headed out for my walk so I could get some steps in before Baby F came over.
It was nice out so I was hot and sweaty when I got home (did a bit of jogging too).

When she first arrived, we had a snack.
Boom Chicka Pop white cheddar cheesies - they are so good!

Not only are they good, but they are low in points too (which Baby F doesn't really care about but I do).

After our snack, I put her in her stroller and we headed for a walk to the park.

She brought her baby with her.

And let her have a turn on the slide.

She wanted to try out the teeter totter, not for long though.

We played on the firetruck.
She had to be the driver and I had to sit in the back seat.

Just having a moment to think.

She was just laying there looking at her baby.
So cute.

The faces she makes though.

Being silly and pretending to have a nap on the slide.

Just a lazy kind of day I guess.

She was just being a little goofball like usual.

Going from this....

to this.
Nothing was the matter, she was just being her silly self.

I think she saw a bug and was keeping an eye on it to see where it was going.

It was a gorgeous day, nice enough for the water park.

Normally she isn't too plucky about going in it but she tried it out today of her own accord.

My son got home from one job and was heading to another but he came down and joined us for lunch.

There was a Show & Shine car show going on - The Communities in Bloom group was hosting it and they were selling hot dogs and hamburgers to raise money so I wanted to support them.

BN was there with his little yellow mini.

I had a quick walk by the cars but honestly, this type of thing doesn't really interest me.

We played at the park some more after my son left back to work and then we walked over to the store for an ice cream.
When we were there, Baby F changed her mind and wanted cheesies instead so that's what I got her.
She was still eating them when we got home.

She was a thirsty girl.
Funny how thirsty she's become since we got the water cooler and she figured out to pour herself some water from it.

Cutest girl in all the land showing off her dance moves.

I had put chicken in the slow cooker with salsa and bone broth so that's what we had for supper along with a salad kit.

After supper, we walked Baby F home.
Her dad had come to pick her up but she didn't want to go with him.
We didn't mind, we got to spend more time with her and have a walk as well.
We stayed there to visit kind of late but we just love being with her so much that we hate to leave.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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