Friday 7 August 2020

Rainy Day in Revelstoke (Aug.6, 2020)

I have a lot of blogging to catch up so when I got up this morning, that's what I worked on for a bit.
I figure if I can get a little done each day then I should be all caught up by the time we go home.

There has been a lot of 'reports' in the media lately about Albertan's being targeted when they are visiting in BC due to Covid-19.
I kind of felt like it was a few isolated incidents being blown out of proportion and that most folks in BC don't have an issue with Albertan visitors so this was nice to find on the internet.

Our morning got off to a rough start today when we tried to make eggs and couldn't get the stove to work.

It's a fancy induction top range and we googled how to work it, we called our Vacation Rental managers, we reset the breaker in the place, but we just could not get it to work.
It was kind of frustrating to say the least.

They sent over a maintenance guy to help us and it took almost an hour and a half for him to show up so we spent the morning waiting really.
When he did finally show up, he informed us that he knew very little about induction cooktops but that we could learn together.

I was thinking 'oh great, we are never going to get it working' but then he said that one thing he did know is that you had to use induction pots and pans on an induction stove, did we try another pot?
So we gave that a try and turns out that was the issue all along.

The frying pan we were using wasn't magnetic or whatever it needs to be for the induction top, all the other pots and pans in the place worked no problem.

Boy did we feel like idiots!

He took the offending frying pan with him so others like us could avoid this same scenario in the future.
So we finally got to cook up our eggs for breakfast!

After our breakfast, we headed downtown to check into possibly renting a couple of bikes.
We figured we'd go to the tourist information center first thing to get some idea of activities we could do while we were here.
It was easy to find with their Revelstoke van sitting out front.
They have quite a big tourist information center here.
The girl that worked there was very helpful and gave us lots of ideas on things to do.

We left there and went looking for a bike rental shop.

Along the way, we came across this restaurant that had Chinese Home Style soup.
It look good and they had odd hours and were closing soon so we decided to go in right then and try the soup.

They had a cucumber and tomato salad that I wanted to try.
It was ok.

My Honey and I each got a bowl of soup, he got his with rice noodles and I got mine with flour noodles.
It was a bit on the bland side, definitely needed some salt or some acid of some sort.
I ate most of the broth and veggies anyway but skipped most of the noodles, I didn't feel like they were worth all the points.

The space inside the restaurant was nice and clean - they were friendly too.

They had these window boxes on the outside of the building and they were so sweet.
There are tons of gorgeous flowers around here, they have the climate for it.

The whole building was covered in this climbing ivy which I think is so pretty.

It was right down the side of the whole building.

I really like the downtown area.
It was rainy today so everything was looking lush and green and healthy.
I like the cobblestone roads and the view of the mountains no matter which way you look.

It was a cloudy, rainy day today but that didn't stop the mountains from being beautiful.
 I love when the clouds look like they are sitting on the mountain side.

Another building covered in lush, green climbing vines.

Revelstoke is a big biking town, everyone is into it and their are several bike shops.
However, due to Covid-19, they have all cancelled their bike rental programs for the season except one place.
They do still do rentals but only of the extreme mountain bikes so they are a bit pricey to rent.
Not really what we were looking for.

Disappointing but we'll live.

The rain stopped briefly so we walked around town looking at the shops.
I like this homemade sign.

We stopped at a little ice cream place and I really liked their decor.

Unfortunately they didn't have any sugar free options though so we decided not to have any.

It started raining very heavily so we decided to go back to our room, drop off some our our purchases and maybe have some supper.

I found this at the Pharmasave today and I was so happy.
I've been looking everywhere for it and haven't been able to find it.

While we were there, we noticed that the Blood Pressure machine was open for customers to use so My Honey checked his.

This was my results.

We decided to go out for supper after all.
It's what we like to do when we are on vacation, we'll just be more careful about what we choose to eat.

We decided on this place called 'Chubby Funsters' because they had some interesting options on the menu.
We had to wait outside for about 20 minutes before they could seat us but we didn't mind.
It was raining but there was an overhang on the store front next door that we were able to stand under so we didn't get wet.

We thought the Watermelon Steak looked really interesting so we ordered that.

Then we also had something a little less WW friendly, the PB&J Burger.
We skipped the fries and got salad instead and decided we'd split both entrees so it wouldn't be so bad for points.

It was a nice big place in there.
Notice the curtains?
They were actual Hudson Bay blankets.

I was trying to take a selfie of us but My Honey was just being silly.

Their decor was all over the place in there, no real theme.
It was interesting though.

I liked this cute picture.

We had broccolini for an appetizer, it came with a soya sauce based dip that was kind of vinegary.
It was good.

The PB&J Burger.

The Watermelon Steak.
Kind of trippy because it looks just like a steak, it even kind of has the texture of a steak.
It didn't taste like steak though.
It tasted like watermelon and like something else too.
It was weird but good.

We were very happy with our meal.

When we finished our meal and got back outside, the rain had stopped so we decided to go for a walk around.
I still needed to get more steps to meet my 10,000 goal.
We came upon this camper bus that we saw yesterday.
I like it.

Everything looking wet and green.

We passed by this hair shop that does shampoo, massage and braid for $25.
I want to get it done while I'm here!

A sculpture of sturgeons we passed in town.

Fishing is another popular past time here.

They are kind of creepy looking fish if you ask me.

We just walked around the residential area and looked at some of the homes.
There are some beautiful ones here.

Lots of beautiful flowers too.

I was surprised by how many big old beautiful homes there were in town.

Those trees though!!!

This place was really nice, kind of a cottage-y feel.

My weird tree fettish continues.
I was in love.

Another gorgeous place.
I loved that wrap around porch.

We walked to a look out point and the view was pretty nice.

This funky moose sculpture was in the yard of a B&B.

Another view of the downtown area.

I like how the storefronts are all different and old fashioned looking.

It started raining again pretty heavily so we headed back to our room.
I worked on some blogging and we watched Food Vlogs on YouTube.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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