Saturday 8 August 2020

Mount Revelstoke National Park (Aug.7, 2020)

 My Honey and I decided that when we got up this morning, the first thing we were going to do, rain or shine, was go for a nice long walk.

We got this map from the tourist information booth yesterday and the girl showed us a 4 km hike though this place in town they call the 'Green Belt'.It looked like we could walk to it from our rental so after breakfast, we grabbed our map and headed out. 
The path ran right alongside the river there for a bit.

There were some really nice homes there along the river.

Nice view of the mountains too even though they are somewhat covered in clouds.

Looks like there are all kinds of trails through here.

This particular entrance was called Cedar Grove.

It was pretty, right through the woods.
Quiet and peaceful.

The river seemed high and was spilling over the banks in some spots and it was a bit mucky but we made it through.
We came to a little bridge.

What a gorgeous spot.

We came upon a lady biking with her 4 daughters and chatted to her a bit about their bikes.

The two littlest girls were so cute.

They had these little bikes that had no pedals so they went on foot power.
We were thinking about getting one for Baby F.
The lady said one of the bikes doesn't have brakes and she kind of wish it did because the little one gets going pretty fast sometimes.

Imagine having views like this on your walk or bike ride everyday, not too shabby!

They were so cute and they were interested in what we were doing.

We just kept following the path around and it was a really nice walk.

Saw some nice wildflowers.

These wild roses were gorgeous.

This field was just covered in yellow wildflowers.
Look at those muscles!
Holding it up all by himself.

We came across a little girl and her mom here.
The little girl was really chatty and told us about some slugs she found.

She wasn't afraid to get right in there and touch them either.

They were the biggest slugs that I've ever seen and they left a slimey trail behind them.

Pretty cool looking don't you think?

The little girl ended up taking one to add to her collection (her Mom told us that she's been collecting all kinds of creepy crawly creatures).
Her Mom was protesting as she carried the slug to their camper saying it wasn't fair to separate the two slugs and the little girl responded by saying that she planned on going back and taking the other one too.

Just another shot of the beautiful mountains.
When we got to the end of the path, we stopped for a rest and just to take in the view.

That white rooftop sticking out over the tops of the trees looked so pretty.

We walked up into town and came across this house with the overgrown garden.

Cute little stepping stone.

We stopped to admire the flowers.

Pretty snap dragons.

Different looking sunflowers but I liked them.

I love climbing plants, especially flowering ones like this clematis.
I wish I could grow these at home but we just don't have the climate for it.

We were hungry so we stopped at this taco place to have a bite.

Their sign out front.

They had menus posted on the wall at each table.
We ordered a couple of tacos and a salad to share.

I picked the chicken tinga taco.

We ordered the summer salad.
It was super good.

My Honey picked the seared yam taco.

He also picked the seared shrimp taco.
The whole meal was really good.

Being silly for his picture.

Looking forward to some yummy food.

I liked the paint finish on this door so I made My Honey pose by it for me.

Saw this sign at a B&B on our walk back to our room.
Walkens Welcome, ha ha!

Flag door shed.

Koi fish door.

Such a beautiful blue.

THis shrub was just loaded down with flowers.

Some of them were as big as my head.

Such a gorgeous tree.

We noticed that the boards on a lot of the fences here were horizontal instead of vertical.

These folks had a whole wild flower garden in the center of their yard.

More pretty flowers.
I love that their was such a variety.

This kind of looked like lavender but I don't think it was.

Made it back to where we started this morning.

Love all the cedars around here, they smell so good.

These seemed to be growing wild.

What a lovely backyard.
When we got back to the house, I had over 17,000 steps.

I had some pudding with banana and pb2 for a snack and it hit the spot perfectly.

It's wildflower season here in Revelstoke so we lucked in.

We decided we'd go check them out this afternoon.

We stopped at one of the lookouts on the way up and there was quite the view of Revelstoke.

Is 6 months of winter a good thing though?

My Honey.

Just looking over the other way.

Look out selfie.

After the lookout, we continued our twisty, windy drive up to Balsam Lake.
You could definitely feel a drop in temperature as we were ascending the mountain.

And the wildflowers were blooming.
There were pinks, yellows, whites and purples and it looked so nice.

The Prairie Fires were so vibrant.

We parked then were off to find the lake.

It didn't take long.
It was just a small lake, very peaceful and serene.
I love the reflection of the trees on the lake.

My Honey suggested we hike up to the summit.

I wasn't pumped about it but I agreed.
I knew I would be grateful later if I did.

The terrain up here is much different than further down the mountain.

It wasn't actually 'The Summit' it was just a place called Summit.

Nice views though so worth the hike.

We would have liked to sit in these random lawn chairs but they were all wet.

I've not seen a Prairie Fire this color before.

I've never seen anything like these before, wonder what they are?
Another field of yellow.

Guess the deep snow has some positives.

Good timing for us to be here and to be able to see them.

They were every where.

We took the road back to the car instead of the trail.

Mountain selfie.

Saw a few of these purple flowers, like daisies but with purple petals.

We liked our trip to Mount Revelstoke National Park.
I drove back down so that My Honey could take in the views.

We didn't want to eat out again so we stopped at the store and picked up a roast chicken, broccoli and a salad mix for supper.

Today was my SIL's birthday so her step Mom posted this picture from a few years back.
Look how little Mr H is, awww, he's just a baby.
I sent her a Happy Birthday message, we'll have to have everyone over for supper when we get back.

Miss H went camping with her mom and their families this week back in Alberta and CP posted these cute pictures of the kiddos.

The look on Baby F's face is hilarious.

Aww, she has her baby.
Really missing her this week.

Celebrating their Auntie's birthday.

Baby F and her other Grandma, CP.

All the girls.

What a pile of beautiful girls.

Fun on the play house.

Baby F looks like she is having a grand time.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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