Wednesday 19 August 2020

Splash Park Fun (Aug.16, 2020)

I had a bee in my bonnet this morning about finding a dresser so I got up when My Honey left for work and spent close to 2 hours looking at kijiji.
I found a few that I was interested in.
Ignore the color of them because I plan on painting it anyway.

This is the one I like the best so far.
I can't get into the city to pick it up until Friday so the seller is going to let me know Thursday night if it is still available.

I love this set even though I don't really even need it.
It would be a fun project and I could give it to Baby F.

This was a good deal but the seller isn't going to be around on Friday - Bummer.

My Honey was hard at work preparing for their bbq.
This is the biscuit cake he made.
He had a bit to test it out and he said that it is delicious.
I believe him.

He also cooked up a ham.
This is on the way into the oven.

This is on the way out.

My brother ended up having to go to work so he asked mom to watch Mr H.
Miss A is at a friend's place for a few days.
When he came over, I needed a walk so I asked if he wanted to go to the park.
Of course he did so we headed on down there.
I didn't think it was very nice out and brought a sweater with me, boy was that unnecessary.

When we got to the park, Baby F and Miss H were there.
She was wearing this cute little jumper I got her - she looks so cute in it.
Of course he 

She wanted to go play on the slides so I took her.


Mr H came too.

Guess the big kids slide was too tall for her today, she wouldn't go down in.

Playing Peek-a-boo in the tunnel with Mr H.


"You can't see me!"

She's so fearless and just wants to climb over everything - keeps me on my toes for sure.

It ended up being such a gorgeous day - the kiddos were playing in the splash park.

I told Mr H he could just go through with his pants on if he wanted to since we didn't have shorts or trunks for him.
He didn't want to at first.

But then he saw one of his buddies running through with his pants on so he figured it would be ok if he did it too.

I'm glad he decided to - it was such a hot day and he ended up having a blast.

I watched the kids so Miss H could go pick up Miss Z so she could come play in the water park too.
Then when they got back, I walked up to the house, packed up some towels and snacks, grabbed mom and headed back to the park.

The water felt cold at first but very refreshing too.

It's so nice that they have this splash park in town for the kiddos.

Baby F wasn't game for the splash park at first.

She was sticking close to it though and checking things out.

She would splash in the puddles a bit.

Splash park fun.

Just checking things out.

Getting braver.

He was having a grand old time soaking whomever he could that walked by.

Miss H was sitting with a couple she'd just met recently.
They had a couple of kids and seemed really nice.
They went over to the store for ice cream and brought back some for each of our kiddos too.

So they sat on towels and ate the ice cream.

The faces!

It was a nice treat for them and so kind of that couple to buy it for them.

This is their daughter - she's such a little cutie.

She wanted to try going down the little slide but there was a giant spider at the bottom spinning a web.
So we just left it and watched it doing it's thing for a bit - she thought it was really interesting and wanted a close up view.

We took a walk over by the exercise equipment that is in the park and she wanted to try some of it out.

She was so proud of herself for climbing over this sit up rack.

Miss Z was hugging Baby F and getting her all wet - they both thought that was pretty funny.

What a goofball, not sure why he decided to run around with the bucket on his head/

I think Mom enjoyed being able to watch the kiddos playing.

She thinks she figured out how it worked.
She did get braver and actually ran through the water a bit.
It was so hot that I even went through a bit myself.

I think she got a bit of a surprise there!

Time to go home.

We stopped for ice creams on the way home, both Mom and Mr H had one so we sat in the backyard to eat them when we got home.
I could not get him to crack a smile for me.

He sat on the swing with Mom for a bit but it was still very hot and he'd spend a lot of time in the sun today so I figured we should have a break and head inside.
Then my brother was back to pick him up not much later.

After they left, I got ready and headed out for a walk.
I had planned on walking the path a few times at the park but that didn't really happen so I still needed to catch up on some steps.

My Honey brought home left over ham for supper and I made a salad to go with it.
He also brought home biscuit cake and I had one amazing bite of it - a few points but so worth it.

We went for a bike ride afterwards and stopped by to have a visit with Baby F.

She'd just woken up from a nap and wasn't in a very good mood.

I think all that sun today did her out.

So we didn't stick around long, we let Mom take her for her bath and we headed on back home.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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