Friday 14 August 2020

Quiet Day (Aug.11, 2020)

We had a nice sleep in this morning.

It was odd to be home on a work day and not have to work - nice though.


My Honey made us an egg white omelet for breakfast.

After breakfast, we went for a nice long walk.

We saw this on our walk and I think it looks awesome, I want to do it at our place.

Our plan was to stop by and visit Baby F but they had gone to Barrhead for the day.

So we hung out at the house, I finished unpacking and did some clean up.

I had a nice bath in the afternoon too and read my book some.

My Honey cooked up some pork and brussels sprouts for supper.
I made a salad to go along with it and it was delicious.

We spent the evening just watching food vlogs and went to be early.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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