Wednesday 12 August 2020

A Real Summer Day (Aug.2, 2020)

I slept in again until 9 am and I was still tired but I got up anyway.
I made myself a coffee then watched a couple episodes of When Calls the Heart.

My Honey had already been hard at work getting the bbq lunch ready for today.
He sent me these before I even got out of bed.
He made a meatloaf topped with a bacon weave (yum).

He also made this layered oreo cheesecake concoction.
He did part of it last night here at home and it looked so delicious, I'm glad he took it to work, I'm not sure if I could have resisted it if he left it here.

After a couple of episodes of my show, I got my gear on and headed out for a walk.

I jogged part of the way yesterday and again today.
From way back at the top of this hill all the way to here.
I'm going to try to go a little further each time if I can.

My Honey sent me this picture while I was still on my walk.
He just took it out of the oven and that bacon looks so crispy, just the way I like it!
I hadn't really eaten yet so it made me hungry.

It was super hot out and along with being hungry, I was also thirsty so I stopped by the store and got some fruit and a drink.
Then I walked over to my son's for a visit.

Baby F and I shared an apple.
She wanted my phone to watch 'Baby Shark' but I wanted a selfie with her.

So I told her if she smiled really big for me, I'd let her have the phone and this is what I got.

I visited for a bit and Mom ended up stopping by there after church too.
She'd walked to church and it's just across the street from my son's place.
They decided to go out to the golf course for lunch and to see Miss H who was working.
There aren't really any healthy options there for me so I just walked home and told my son to come visit after.

It was a scorcher out there today.
We don't get many of those here in town so I went out to enjoy it.

I had some leftover salad and chicken for lunch then filled up the little kiddie pool we have.
I had to do it with the watering can because our hose isn't long enough so it took a lot of trips back and forth but luckily it didn't have to be too full for Baby F.
Then I sat down and read my book until they came back.

My girl and I.

Mom came out to enjoy some of the sunshine also.
Miss H ended up getting off work early so she and my son took the dogs to the river for a cool off and they left Baby F with me.

I made sure to spray her down with sunscreen, don't want a repeat of what happened to Mr H on vacation.

She walked in and out of the pool a few times and got wet which kept her nice and cool.

We moved to the swing for a bit to get out of the sun.

Love her little painted toes.

The swing didn't really provide that much shade and I thought maybe she had enough sun and heat so we went inside.

She asked for an orange so I cut one up for her and she ate the whole thing.

We just chilled and watched some Little Baby Bum videos.

I'm starting to peel.

Grandma and her girl.

My Honey got home before Baby F went home so he got to spend some time with her which he & she both loved.
When Miss H and my son did come back, they stayed and visited for a bit.
My Honey had brought home some leftovers so they had supper.
He brought me some of the dessert which I would have tried had it not been weigh in day tomorrow.
So the kids ate it instead and they said it was fabulous.

My Honey and I didn't stay up too late after they left.
Tomorrow is a holiday but I'm going to work anyway so I can take Wednesday off.
I have a lot to do and I'm hoping to get lots done in the office tomorrow as it will be very quiet.

Today is Mr D's birthday.
I called to wish him a Happy Birthday but he was in PEI with his dad for the weekend.
So I talked to my sister briefly.
She had a couple friends over and they were getting ready to go out.
She seems happy so that's wonderful to see!
My brother and family were out camping for the weekend.
Miss M posted this cute shot of her and Miss A, love it.

Some Facebook memories popped up that I thought I would share.
These are from a trip we took to BC in 2013.

This is the exact same pull out that we stopped and took pictures at this trip.

This was in Golden, BC.
We went to a restaurant called Whitetooth Bistro.

I had duck confit poutine and it was delicious.

Then we went to BC again in 2015 but this time we went to Prince Rupert.

It's on the coast but more northern so a bit on the chillier side.

We went on a whale watching cruise.

We saw some beautiful wildlife.

I love how the scene is reflecting on the water.

We did actually see some whales and even were treated to a few whales getting together and bubble netting which I'd never heard of before.
It was amazing to see.

We had dinner at this place called Cowbay cafe after the whale watching tour.
We got to sit out on their deck and enjoy this fabulous view.

We had octopus and crab cakes.

Seafood pappardelle

Goat cheese and capicola pizza.

Topped off with a chocolate ganache cheesecake.
It was a delicious meal and I would highly recommend this restaurant if you ever happen to be in Prince Rupert.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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