Sunday 9 August 2020

Swimming and Pizza (Aug.9, 2020)

My Honey cooked up eggs for breakfast with leftover broccoli and vegetarian ground.

We planned on hitting the beach today so I put on my new bathing suit top that I just bought.
It's a large and I would have preferred an XL but they didn't have one.
So it's a bit on the tight side but it's keeps the girls where they need to be and I plan on losing more weight so it will be fine.

So I got My Honey to take some pictures so they could be my 'Before' pictures for when I lose some more and the bathing suit fits better. 

We took a quick run into town first so that I could buy a couple pillowcases for the new pillows I bought the other day and so we got to pass by my favorite tree.

It's so full and lush and green, I think it's just amazing.

Then we headed to Williamson Lake.

We found a spot to set up camp and I got ready to head out for a swim.

It took me a long time to work my way into the water but when I finally did, it was lovely.
I had a flutter board so I kind of sat on it in the water and floated like that for at least an hour.

It was so nice.

The lake was just a perfect size and it wasn't too busy.
If I lived here, I'd be here all the time.

It has quite a long beach area and it wasn't crowded at all.

Nice view of the mountains too and I saw a few more paragliders on the mountain up there while I was floating around.

My Honey opted to stay dry and on land.
He had a little snooze and he enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed my swim.

When I did get out of the water, I changed into some dry clothes and we went for a walk in the trail by the lake.
Looks like there are bears in the area.

I was clapping like crazy the whole walk just to let any bears that might be around that I was there.

My Honey found these blooming on a tee.
He knew just what they were but I had no idea.

He said that we have hazelnut trees in Alberta too but I've never seen them.

I'm not sure what kind of plant this was but it looked like a giant maple leaf.
You can see how huge it was compared to my hand.

We walked right to the end of the trail and it took us out to the road a ways up from the lake.

Right by the turtle crossing.
I've never seen a Turtle crossing sign before.

I guess this is right by an important turtle habitat so they ask drivers to slow down just in case turtles are around.
I wish we could have seen a turtle but alas, we did not.
WE did see scooter guy go by though, we've seen him several times now.

We walked back to the vehicle then just wnet for a drive around.
WE had a lookie lou at some of the beautiful homes in the area.

These modern style homes are growing on me.
The center section of this house that connected the home to the garage was all windows and I just thought that was awesome.

I like the wooden details on this one.
Check out their amazing green house.

We took a drive up to Mount Revelstoke Resort.
It wasn't as far as I was expecting.

It's quite the place.

We took a walk around to have a look at the grounds.
They have a pipe coaster and a gondola and even a climbing park but we weren't really interested in doing any of those things.

I love the gigantic number sign they have for their house.
I think I'm going to make one for ours.

When we got back to the room, we ordered pizza from The Village Idiot.
We've planned on doing it all day so we were very careful to not eat too much.
My Honey got pepperoni and mushroom.

I got the Cheeseburger one.
I had 4 slices and it was good.

After we ate, we went for another walk.
We wanted to get to 20,000 steps again to help burn off some of that pizza.

We went down and parked at the other end of town so we could walk around and check things out there.

Highway Number 1 crosses this bridge and we decided to as well.

It was such a rickety bridge, every time a big truck went over it, it shook like crazy.
It was kind of scary.

We made it safely to the other side though.
My Honey propped up his camera on the bridge wall and set the timer so we could get this shot of the both of us together.
I picked up this top today, it's a bit on the big side but I quite like it anyway.

I think someone is missing this little guy.
He looks like he was well loved.
He was sitting on a post on the bridge.

This was some graffiti on the wall under the bridge.

PacMan fan I guess.

There was even a realistic looking PacMan ghost.
We walked back across another bridge that was smaller but felt much more stable then followed a trail that took us back under the first bridge we'd crossed.

It was such a lovely evening for a walk, the weather was perfect.

We just kept walking along the trail we happened upon and it ran alongside the river for a while.
Saw this cute birdhouse randomly in a tree.

There are trails all over here and most of them have a view of water and/or mountains.
So awesome, I'd love to have them in our town.

My Honey and I would be walking them every night.

More lovely wildflowers.
We eventually came to the end of the trail that we were on so we just continued to walk in the residential area just so we could make it to our goal of 20,000 steps.

We saw this on the bottom of the Stop sign in the neighbourhood, I've never seen something like it before.

My friend had this posted on Facebook and it made me laugh because it is so My Honey and I!

Well it's our last day in Revelstoke.
We'll be getting up early tomorrow, going for a walk to get some steps in then hitting the road for home.
It's a long drive, at least 9 hours but we are both missing Baby F and can't wait to get home to see her.

 It's been a lovely trip though and I can't wait for our next adventure.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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