Saturday 8 August 2020

Lake Fun and Pillowcase Painting (July 26, 2020)

Pancakes for breakfast again.
I've made them every day so far for the kiddos and so far, no complaints.

Good Morning Miss Z.

Watching videos on the deck.

Then playing on the swing set.

The kids did a lot of playing on this little swing set, it was great that it was there.

We decided that we would go spend the day at the private beach area on the lake that kind of came with the place we were renting.
We packed up towels and snacks and some of walked down while my son drove Mom and some of the littles down there.

Mom found a seat on a shaded bench to sit and watch everyone.

It was a gorgeous day for the beach.

Mr H wasted no time getting in.
I let him just wear his shoes into the water because it was so rocky.

Miss A wasted no time getting in either.
It took me a bit longer but once I was in, it was so refreshing.

We all spent a lot of time in the water except for Mom and RP.

And Baby F - she just wasn't into it so she played with RP for a while then My Honey got out of the water so he could hang out with her.

Beach babe.

She just loves to slide.

I was worried that it would be too hot since it was metal but it wasn't.

Papa had to have a turn too.
What a little monkey.

Papa took these great shots of her.

The kids got out of the water and played for a bit.

There was a bit of a sandy part so they could build castles.

But it wasn't long until they were right back in there again.

It was too hot not to get in the water.

When it was getting close to supper, the beach kind of cleared out.

Another beach babe!

Those rocks were really hard on the feet.

Just a lovely beach with a view of the mountains.

There was a boat dock right to the side of the beach, likely for this housing area too.

Baby F was with her Mom so My Honey went out for a swim with the kiddos.

They were so happy, he is everyone's favorite.

He took them out to the slide and Mr H wanted to give it a go.
He changed his mind right at the last minute.

He decided to give it another try and he was so brave this time, he actually did it!
He liked it so much, he did it a couple times.

Just hanging out with my toes in the sand.
There is no place else I'd rather be right now than right here where I am.

Testing out the water with her other Grandma, CP.

She picked up some rocks to throw in.

Just a sweet moment between the two of them.

The kids were still out playing on the slide.

Mr H is going again - he's a pro now!

Getting some sun with her Mama.

That sun is pretty bright though.

Three generations hanging out at the beach together.

Baby F ended up falling asleep.

We all felt like we had enough sun for the day so we got ready to head back.

Back at the house, the kids got out these pillowcases My Honey and I had picked up for them.

They came with fabric paint so the kids could paint them then you just iron it so the paint sets then they can be used just like a regular pillowcase.

We thought it would be a good souvenir of their trip this summer.

Even Baby F had one.

She and her Mama did it together.

It was a great project, the kids really enjoyed it.

I just hung out on the deck with my Mama.

Sharing with Papa.

I've never seen anyone love oranges as much as she does.

I don't really want a black charger I just thought this was funny.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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