Tuesday 18 August 2020

Sleep Over Success and Lobster (Aug.15, 2020)

Our first sleep over ended up going not too bad.
It was really late when she fell asleep but once she did, she was pretty much good until morning.
She did wake up a couple times crying for 'Baby Shark' believe or not but I just cuddled her and she went back to sleep quickly.
Then right before My Honey had to get up for work,  she woke up crying for mom and dad.
I was hoping to get her to go back to sleep because I was tired but we went out to the living room and she was just fine.

I got her settled in with some water and a banana and we watched some Baby Shark and she forgot all about missing mom & dad.

Saying good morning to the kitty.

She & I cuddled on the couch and it was nice, she doesn't usually want to cuddle with me.

She got me to go to the kitchen and was pointing at the snack saying something but I couldn't quite figure out what it was.
It took me a bit but finally I realized she was asking for a marshmallow.

So sure, why not.


Showing me her marshmallow, ha ha.

Breakfast at Grandma's house = Marshmallows!

Normally I can't get her to stay still for a picture but this morning she was having fun with it.

Silly faces with Grandma.

Meanwhile, My Honey was doing some checks at work and saw this rainbow he sent me a picture of.

It's bbq day so he was busy making the filling for the desert he's whipping up today.

Biscuit cake.
It has crushed almonds up on top and it looks so delicious.

More selfies with my girl.

I can't believe we haven't had her sleep over before now, she did just fine.

I am just smitten with her, I could spend my whole day just looking at her and marveling over her.
She really is such a treasure.

Giving me heck.

If I just sat her and held her all day long that would be perfectly fine with me.

My sweet, sweet girl.

We were practicing our duck lips.

Mom came up and made herself waffles for breakfast.

Baby F had to check it out.

She also had to have a bite too.

When you want a bite but also, you can't stop dancing.

Miss H came to pick her up around 11.
They said they had a really great time last night and they were both a little hurting this morning.
I'm glad we were able to let them have that time and hopefully now that it was a success, we can start having her for sleepovers a lot more frequently.

I decided to go visit BH at her camper by Kinuso today but I wanted to get some steps in first so I headed out for a walk.
Then I packed up a few snacks and hit the road.

It's about an hour drive over there and I listened to Yacht Rock Radio the whole way .
They play some really good oldies on there, like this one.

When I got there, BH and her hubby were waiting for me.
We hopped in their truck and headed over to NCT's cabin.
Bats are getting in through the eaves so KT & JH got up on the ladder to figure out how they were getting in and then block it off.
While they did that, NCT took us on a tour of the place.
She's been putting a lot of work into the decor and she wanted some advice on paint colors and stuff.
It is looking really good in there.

When the bat problem was all taken care of, we headed back over to BH's.
We hung out there for the afternoon.
A few visitors dropped by here and there.

At 6:30, their daughter arrived with the lobsters.
I had ordered 3, one for myself, My Honey and Mom.
They were cooking them over at BH's brothers place, it was his girlfriends birthday so celebrations were in full swing over there and that's where they were going to be cooking the lobster.

Trying to put the lobster to sleep.

I've not ever seen this done before, not really sure if it worked?

He did kind of stay there for a few seconds before toppling over.

Lobster time.
Someone had brought beet potato salad and I had to try it.
It was delicious as was the lobster.

Everyone enjoying supper.

I cleaned mine, there was nothing left and I savored every single bite.

I had planned on leaving right after supper but the birthday girls dog started acting really strange.
It's just a little chihuahua and first it was shaking uncontrollably, they it was tearing around in circles like crazy.
She got him and then he seemed like he was choking or couldn't get a breath and he went kind of lifeless.
Talk about sobering up a party quickly.
Someone was quick thinking and called a vet, he said little dogs get low sugar sometimes so to give the dog honey or maple syrup and if that didn't help, to bring the do in.
The vet is about 45 minutes away and they needed a sober driver to take them there so I offered to do it.
I hung around until much later than I had planned but the dog seemed to be doing ok and turned out one of the other guests hadn't been drinking either so he offered to take them if needed and I hit the road for home around 10:30.
I'm glad I went, I had a great time.

When I got home, he was already in bed so I headed there myself.

My Honey took this last night and posted it on his Instagram today.
He captioned it "Finally got a good dishwasher at the house" which I thought was funny.
He always makes me laugh.

Miss M and Mr T went for a trip to Jasper today and posted some sweet pictures.

This is a nice one of the two of them.

Masks are mandatory on the main streets in Jasper now.

Pizza for supper.

Another nice one of the two of them.
I think I'm going to get one of them enlarged and printed off to put up in the house.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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