Thursday 6 August 2020

Mini Golf, Bumper Cars, Petting Zoo, Ice Cream and Swimming (July 24, 2020)

When I got up this morning, I took a tour of the house to take some pictures.

This is the loft area, I wouldn't call it a bedroom because it isn't closed in but still a nice area.

They always look so sweet when they are sleeping.

This is the upstairs seating area, there was an area like this on each floor.

Looking down from the loft into the living room area.
You can just see where the loft bedroom area is there to the right.
I love, love, love the big windows.

This is the main floor living room and dining room area.

The kitchen area.

The basement also had a bedroom and a living room area but my son & family were down there sleeping so I didn't want to disturb them.
I thought I'd take pictures later but I forgot.

This is a little fire pit area to the side of the house.

This is the front of the house.

Then my favorite part of the house, the deck.
It wrapped around to the side here.

And this is the main part.
It is huge and we all fit out there comfortably.

I made my morning coffee and just sat out there and enjoyed it.

When the kids got up, My Honey and I took them for a walk.
The listing for this rental said the beach was only minutes away so we thought we would take a walk around to see if we could find it.

We saw a little bunny first thing at the house next door.

We got around the street and realized we could have just walked right through the yard because we were looking now at the side/back of the house.

This house had an interesting mascot.

It's such a beautiful area, the house along here enjoy stunning views of Lake Invermere.

This homeowner was taking advantage of the view and placed this bench in a great spot.

There were so many gorgeous homes but this one here was one of my favorites.
Mr H said it was his favorite too.

We passed a lot of other folks out walking and ended up talking to one lady who told us how to get down to the beach area so our mission was successful.

When we got back to the house, Baby F was up.

Guess she was tuckered out after her walk.

Oh, just a little rest and now Miss Z is ready to go again.

My Honey and I both decided that while we might have treats while on our vacation, for the most part we were going to stay on plan with WW.

Just relaxing on this gorgeous deck.

Giving me the evil stare.
No particular reason why, just being silly for the picture.

There was a little play park in the yard and we never really did figure out if it belonged to this place or the next door neighbors but we let the kiddos play on it.
We figured if the it did belong to the neighbors and they didn't want us on it, they would let us know.

Mr H was going pretty high on that thing.

Snack time.

They had cookies with blueberry icing and boy was the blueberry scent ever strong.

They all loved them though.

Dad and daughter dressed alike today 😁

There was a mini golf place just in the next town, Fairmont, so we figured we'd do that for an activity today.
So off to Funtasia we went.
It only took about 15 minutes to get there so not too bad.

We kind of broke up into two groups, Miss A, Mr H, My Honey, Mom and I.

Miss A led the way.
She turned out to be quite the little mini-golfer and got not one but two holes in one today!

Mr H started out great.

He has been golfing with his dad and Uncle lately (real golf) and he's been liking it.

Mom even pulled out a few great shots.

It was a cute little course.

This hole you had to hit the ball between two trees which was kind of tough but we all managed to do it.

Mr H always walks around on his tippie toes for some reason.

Interesting method, we kept telling him to turn his club around but he was determined to do it this way and it worked for him so all good.

We had a visitor from the group ahead of us!

She was missing Papa.

She wanted 'uppie' so he had to golf a couple holes like this.
He makes it look easy.

I think 18 holes was a lot for the little ones.
Miss Z and Baby F were starting to get bored and Mr H started to plow right ahead to the next holes.
He didn't want to wait for us anymore.

Just watching dad golf.

When the music from the bumper cars started, the girls just couldn't help themselves, they had to dance to the music.

Back in her favorite place, Papa's arms.

Trying to keep a kid from putting things in their mouth is near impossible, but we still try anyway.
Lots of hand sanitizer was being used I tell you.

Where'd the ball go?

He says she has me wrapped around her little finger but looking at this picture you can see that someone else is pretty wrapped too.

Kid down on hole 10.

Ha ha, they were laying on the course by this time but we were nearing the end so I think they'd had enough.

We finished up our last hole then headed over to the 'bumper cars'.

They were being extra cautious due to Covid but also just in general about the rules of the bumper cars.
They had to watch a video then get verbal instructions once they were actually allowed in to get on the cars.

Mr H is ready to go.

They weren't like regular bumper cars - still fun though.

They had the whole bumper car arena to themselves.

Miss H.

The little ones couldn't go by themselves so Mr H had to go on the double one with my son but he didn't mind at all.

My son was enjoying it just as much.

Miss A was able to go on a car by herself.

Miss Z had to go with her mom.

She was having fun too.

Looks a little relaxed for bumper cars.

Watch out, Miss H is going to get you!

And just like that, the ride was over.

While everyone was on the bumper cars, My Honey and Miss H were chillin' like villians on a swing they found.

So I joined them.
She was watching Baby Shark videos on Papa's phone.

I did manage to get her to smile for a picture.

There was a park there so after the bumper cars, that's where we headed next.

It had one of those old metal slides which you don't see anymore.
They get super hot and you slide down them super fast, it's amazing we didn't get hurt more as children honestly.

There was a gazebo that had a carousel horse set up in it so Baby F had to try it out.

I love these little painted houses they had for the chickens.

There was a petting zoo and that's where we headed next.

You could buy little bags of food to feed the animals so we got each of the kiddos a bag.

Baby F wasn't one bit nervous about feeding them and got right in there.

Mr H got right in there too!

The animals were happy to have some treats.

Mom even joined in.
She was feeding the little pony they had.

There were some beautiful flowers around the place.

There was a small labyrinth over in another section of the park.

Baby F had fun trying it out.

There were some donkies over there too.

Luckily we'd saved some food for them.

Just exploring.

A nice little spot for a photo shoot.
We enjoyed Funtasia, it was a good spot to entertain the kids for a few hours.

On the way back, we stopped for ice cream.

Got some rocks in his shoes.

Finally I got my ice cream which I've been looking forward to ever since we decided to come to BC on vacation.
My Honey and I both went with the sugar free option and I enjoyed it just as much as a regular ice cream.

After supper, we all went for a walk to check out the beach area.

What a view.
You had to walk down a bunch of stairs to get to the beach so it was a good work out.

It was pretty deserted, we pretty much had the place to ourselves.

The sun was still shining and it looked so pretty on the water.

At first, everyone was dipping their toes in.

Even Baby F.

Then they crept in a bit further.

The water was so lovely that soon enough they were right in there swimming.

Fun at the lake.

It was a rocky beach but that didn't matter.

We weren't expecting to swim so everyone just had their regular clothes on.

Baby F didn't mind getting her toes wet but that's as far as she wanted to go.

Miss H swam out to the floating slide and gave it a try.

Miss Z stuck to the waters edge with her mom.

I dipped my toes in but that's as far as I went.

The sun was starting to get low in the sky and it looked so pretty.

I noticed a rainbow coming down through the clouds.

Miss H going for round 2.

She made a big splash.

My son swam out there and tried out the slide too.

Miss A was even brave enough to give it a try.

They all had a few turns.

I got a few good action shots.

Like this one.

And this one.

Baby F was dipping her toes in with Papa.

Mr H and Miss Z watching the sliders.
She decided to get in the water after all.

The rainbow was getting more intense.

The kids all seem to gravitate towards My Honey.

Just another view of the beach area, as you can see, we had it all to ourselves.

CP & RP didn't get in the water either.
There were content to watch the others just like me.

They played around in the water for about an hour.

Full shot of that rainbow.

Since we hadn't expected to swim, we had no towels or anything with us so some of the kiddos were cold on the walk back.

Walking back up those stairs was quite the workout but what a view when you got to the top.

Looking back down the stairs.

This home was right at the top of the stairs, imagine the view they must have off their deck there.
What a great place to sit and enjoy a morning coffee.

The kids played on the park some more when we got back to the house.

Miss A was doing some swing tricks.

Miss Z going as high as she could.

My Honey took this great shot of Baby F.
It looks like she is terrified but really they were fooling around and yelling and having just a grand old time.

Little goofball.

Once it got dark, it was time for sparklers.

Miss Z was a bit nervous at first but got over that pretty quickly.

Proud as a peacock.

Sparkler fun.

Sparklers are a great way to entertain kiddos, they are cheap and they are fun.

They each did a couple then we convinced them to save some for another night.

You know you are tired when....

you just lay down right on the floor to have a nap.
We did have a full, busy day and the kids were ready for bed.

We had a game of Skip-Bo after the kiddos went to bed.
It was My Honey's first time playing so we had to teach him the rules and of course he won.
Beginner's luck!

All in all it was a great day, looking forward to tomorrow's adventures.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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