Monday 31 August 2020

Make Up Birthday Dinner for Miss A (Aug.20, 2020)

It's my Friday!

These four day weeks are wonderful, I'm sure going to miss them next month.


My Honey sent me this picture this morning of our attack cat - isn't he scary?

The sun was nowhere to be seen today but I still got out for a walk to the road.

We planned it so that My Honey went for a bike ride and met me and we were able to walk a little ways together.
Not for long though, we were having everyone over for supper to celebrate Miss A's birthday so he was making a cheesecake for her.

When I got home, I made the first letter for the blocks.

I think it looks pretty good.

Miss A looked really pretty today in her dress.
We got her a fitbit for her birthday and I think she liked it.

Baby F had her a barrett in her hair, I can't believe she left it in there as long as she did.
She had it ripped out though before I could get a better picture than this.

I had planned on buying pre-made potato salad and coleslaw but the store didn't have any so I whipped some up really fast when I got home.
Then My Honey cooked up hot dogs and hamburgers.
The weather wasn't really co-operating so we had to eat indoors.

My smiley boy.

My brothers - mom peeking from in behind.
She's quite the photo bomber!

The girls - caught Miss A mid bite.

There's her cute grin.

Miss H suggested I take a selfie and try to get everyone in so I did - only missed mom and well, My Honey is there but he's in the living room by the window there.

There's the Mama!

Blowing out the candles.

With Papa - one of her very favorite places to be.

It was nice to have everyone over.
After they left, I worked on the letters for the blocks and My Honey got in some cuddles with Paddy-Bear.

He just likes to snuggle right in.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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