Monday 17 August 2020

Loving these Short Work Weeks! (Aug.13, 2020)

It was a nice morning out there - I love to see that sunshine.

I also love these short work weeks in the summer, means today is my last day of work for this week, yahoo!

I got out for a walk of course - need to get those steps and and take in some of that fresh air. 

I saw this pirate ship on Facebook for sale - wouldn't that be cool to have?

I love the ad for it too - they went all out.

I love that my face is looking thinner - my hard work and dedication is paying off!

I stopped by my son's place after work for a quick visit.

Miss Z was there and the girls were being silly.
Look at the fish lips Baby F is making, now where did she learn to do that I wonder?

We read a couple of books together.
I had my phone out taking pictures so they immediately had to perform for me.
They are both little entertainers.

Miss Z sings Baby Shark.

Her own version.

Little headbanger!

She still has a thing for my glasses.

They'd get me to record them then they would want to watch it.

They loved seeing themselves in action.

Just being her darling little self.

Miss H said last night that she wanted to do a Sesame Street theme for Baby F's upcoming birthday party so I went home and was looking at Pinterest for DIY party decoration ideas.

My Honey was looking up ideas too.
He found these great Cookie Monster cookies then he also found this Cookie Monster popcorn.

These would probably be pretty easy to make.

These too.

I made a list of supplies I'll need to make some of this stuff.
I'm going to see what I can find this weekend.

I really didn't feel at all like cooking so Subway it was for supper.
I only ate half of my sub, I'll have the rest tomorrow for lunch.

Miss H had dropped Baby F off so I could watch her for a bit and we had some snacks.

I love how she has her little foot propped up on the footstool.

My Honey was so happy to see her when he got home.

Hmmm, what do rubber duckies taste like?

We told the kids not to come pick her up, that we would just walk her home.
She was pointing to the specific rock that she wanted.

No not that one Papa, that one!
She is very specific about which one she wants.

She wanted out of the stroller when we got near the house and we knew she just wanted to run around a bit so we just let her.

She and My Honey were playing a game of Hide and Seek.

Or 'Seek' as she calls it.
She hides right out in the open then My Honey pretends that he can't see her and calls her name like he's looking for her.

She usually then starts making little noises so that he can 'find' her.
Then he acts so surprised to see her and she thinks that's just great.

One of her hiding places!

Eventually we did manage to convince her to let us take her into the house.
She'd play outside forever if she could.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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