Sunday 9 August 2020

Canoeing in Revelstoke (Aug.8, 2020)

My Honey had booked a canoe rental for us first thing this morning so we were up and at em early today heading over there for our 8 am rental.

We found the rental place but it didn't seem to be open.

There was a note on the door to go over to the Glacier House Resort so we did and they helped us out with the rental.
Gave us paddles, life jackets, the key and a map to the canoe and sent us on our way.

We took a wrong turn but eventually we found our way.
We had to park and walk some of the way in but it wasn't so bad.
The girl told us there were some trees we could park by, ha ha.
There were trees every where.
We had to walk a path through the trees to get to where the canoes were.

When the path ended and we arrived at the lake it was just gorgeous.

We made it down onto the dock where the canoes were.

The view from the dock.
I've been wanting to try canoeing forever but for some reason when we got down here and it's so vast and isolated, I started feeling very nervous.

But we went ahead and got in and got launched.

I had brought my phone on the canoe with me which was not wise, I was worried the whole time that we would it would get wrecked.
I wasn't worried about us because I knew we had life jackets on and we could both swim enough to get to shore.

I was so nervous that I could barely put my paddle in the water and I did not want to turn around to look at My Honey, I didn't want to rock the boat.

Eventually the nerves wore off though and I started to enjoy myself.

It was so peaceful, nobody else around anywhere, just us and nature.

We canoed quite a ways.
The wind was starting to pick up and we were feeling sprinkles of rain when we were heading back to the dock.
We got on the water around 8:30 am and got back to the dock around 11:00 which isn't too shabby for a first time.

When we got back to the dock, this big log and lodged itself up against the dock so we had to manoeuvre around it which we managed to do rather nicely for beginners I thought.

In the end I really enjoyed it and I'm so glad we did it.
I'm sure we will do it again.

We made the trek through the woods back to where we parked the car.

Just in time too because just after we dropped off the gear, the skies opened up and it started pouring.
So we headed back to the room and had some breakfast.

It rained and rained so we just hung out in the room for a while
It was kind of depressing and I said to My Honey if we woke up in the morning and it was raining again, we should pack up and head home.
We are both missing Baby F and I'd rather be home spending time with her than be holed up in a room here in Revelstoke.

There was even a short lightning storm and there was a clap of thunder that was the loudest I've ever heard.
Not sure if being down in the valley between the mountains had anything to do with that.

Shortly after that, the skies cleared up and the sun came out so we decided to go out for a drive and check out Williamson Lake.

We passed the run off to the lake but just kept driving because it was so pretty.
We turned in this road to check out some of the homes because we were seeing some beautiful ones and I happened to notice some paragliders up in the sky so we pulled over to watch them.

It just so happened that we pulled off next to this big old place.

Turns out it's for sale if anyone is interested and it's already licensed to be used as a vacation rental.

The paragliders were still pretty high up there at this point.
Wish I was brave enough to try it (I'm not)!

As they were coming down, you could see them better.

Revelstoke Mountain Resort is up the mountain there and that's where the paragliders where taking off from.

They seemed to be multiplying up there, every time we looked, we could see more of them coming.
What a view they must have from up there.

Kind of looks like tow eyes and eyebrows just handing there in the sky.

My Honey got this great shot.

We watched a few of them come in for a landing before heading on our way.

Just a spot on our drive where we stopped to take a picture of the spectacular view.

We stopped in to check out Williamson Lake which also happened to be a campground.
It had a grassy beach area which I've never seen before.
Thought we might get to go for a swim but it started raining again while we were there and since I heard that big clap of thunder earlier, I didn't feel to plucky about jumping into the water just in case.

It rained heavily until we got back into Revelstoke then it suddenly stopped and we were treated to a gorgeous rainbow.

My Honey took this shot with his camera.

I don't think I've ever seen a rainbow this low in the sky and it was so vibrant

We pulled over to get some pictures and it was getting even more vibrant as we were standing there.

Well the bottom one was anyway, the colors in it were becoming more vibrant while the second higher arch of the rainbow was fading away.

Yup, I took a selfie with the rainbow!

The sun came back out full force so we decided to park the car and just walk around town.
That almost immediately morphed into getting something to eat.

This place has had a line up every time we've walked by so we were thinking it must be good.
They were just opening the patio back up after the rain so they were seating a bunch of people which meant we didn't have to wait long.

The Village Idiot.
It had good reviews online.

So many things caught my eye.
I wanted to try to stay fairly healthy so I chose the 'How to Lose a Chick in Ten Bites Garlic Pesto Chicken Club'.
I got them to leave out the cheddar cheese and to sub a spinach salad for the fries.
My Honey is a blue cheese fan so he want for The Blues Burger and also subbed a salad for the fries.

I've never heard of Caramel Pecan vinaigrette but it was really good, probably not so good for points.

We had an appetizer too but went with the Hippie Dip which we felt was a healthy choice.

Just soaking up the sun while waiting for our meal.

Sunshine is like instant happiness.

The Hippie Dip looked amazing.

My meal.
I tried to make a healthy choice but I was feeling so guilty that I only ate half of the sandwich.

My Honey's meal.
I tried a bite of his burger and it was delicious.

My Honey got this great shot when we were walking back to the car after supper.
He loves photographing insects and he really has an eye for it and captures these amazing moments.

We headed back to the room, parked the car then headed out for a walk to work off some of that supper.
We walked over to the trail we'd hit up the other night but went the opposite way.

There are so many lovely trails to walk on here with fabulous views.

Notice the huge nest on the top of that power pole?

I saw the owner fly in and land there on it's nest while we were watching.

The trails just kind of go on forever and they go all over the place.

There just happened to be some sweet peas growing randomly along the trail.

This is the great close up My Honey took of them.

Saw this on a power pole in town.

I want My Honey to build some tall planters like these for beside the garage at our place.

There was an old tower building along the river and this was the graffiti on it, also My Honey's picture.
He has an eye for these things.

Another amazing shot My Honey took of a snail we saw on our walk tonight.
We both were feeling guilty about what we ate for supper so we walked and walked until we reached 20.000 steps tonight.
Then we didn't feel so bad.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!


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