Wednesday 19 August 2020

Party Prep (Aug.18, 2020)

 It was another gorgeous day out there.

I looooove summer!

I got out for a walk and it felt so good.

Some important work going on at the office this morning.
I sent this to My Honey from coffee break - he wanted to know if BN and JRA were working hard.

I had to run home and take Mom up to the hospital just so she could go to the lab.
She seems to have another UTI - she sure has been getting them a lot lately.
I was admiring our flowers while I was waiting for her.

My Honey is so proud of his wildflowers - they are fun to watch bloom since you just don't know what you are going to get.

I made some pollack for supper along with broccoli and a new salad I found at the store - blue cheese.
It was pretty good.

We were going to go for a walk or bike ride but a pretty good storm rolled in so I got to work on Birthday Party decorations instead.

I blew up this picture of Elmo to giant size and it printed on 9 11x17 sheets so I worked on getting it all taped together.
I think it looks pretty good.

I also made this giant 2 for Elmo to hold since it's Baby F's 2nd birthday.

I also started on the blocks I'm going to make.
I'm going to do 5 of them in different colors, one for each letter of her name.

I just took 2 boxes I got the other day at Walmart and taped them together so they kind of looked like a square.
I couldn't find just white wrapping paper so I just used regular paper to cover them over with.
Then I cut strips of colored card stock for the edges and taped it on.
I'm going to use my Cricut to cut out the letters for the front.
I'll post pictures once I'm complete.

The storm stopped as quickly as it started and we were treated to a nice rainbow.
We decided to go for a quick visit to my son's to see Baby F.
My Honey rode his bike down but I drove.

I got there first so she came right over and sat on my lap.

As soon as My Honey got there though, it was all about him.
She wanted an orange and My Honey just had to sit at her table with her to eat it.

She's orange crazy!

When I got home, I taped two cardboards together then glued Elmo and the 2 on.
Once it dries, I'll cut it out and My Honey is going to make a stand for it out of stakes so it can stand on it's own.
I'm happy with how it turned out.
I did run out of glue so I'll need to fix that up a bit when I get some more but that will be easy.

Miss H's friend posted this cute picture on Facebook!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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