Tuesday 11 August 2020

Felt Like a Pampering Today! (July 31, 2020)

I decided to go for a drive to WCT this morning to see if I could find a bike rack for our vehicle.
I checked a few places but didn't have any luck.

Since I was already in town, I figured I'd call and see if I could get in for a pedicure last minute.
I need it!

They were able to fit me in.

I haven't been there since the whole covid thing.
They have plexi glass up in front of each of the chairs plus you have to wear a mask so I felt quite safe.

I had a dark, sparkly orange color for one toe then a bright orange for all the rest picked out and ready to go.

Then I saw the lady next to me get this nude color on her toes and I loved it and decided to go with it as well.
When she finished my toes, I didn't feel like I was ready to stop being pampered so I asked if they could fit me for a manicure as well and they did.
I got the same color on my fingernails and I love it.

The girl doing my nails has been working there for sometime, I forget her name but she is just young and super nice.
She said her back and one arm and hand have had no feeling for a few months now and they can't seem to figure out what is wrong.
I hope they get it figured out for her.

When I got home, my son asked if I could watch Baby F while he went to work for a bit (Miss H was already at work).
So he dropped her off and she & I walked down to the park.

For some reason she wants to go down the center of the double slide?
I don't know if she saw someone else doing it maybe?

She wanted me to get on the slide with her.
We played for a while then I walked her home.

My Honey got home not long after and met us there.

She got her pretty little toes polished too.

She wasn't upset, this is just her serious "baby shark watching face".

My Honey carried her around like this while she watched videos on her phone.
She doesn't have him wrapped around her little finger at all!

We've been practising all the family member names with her and she's getting pretty good at saying them all.
She for some reason won't say Uncle Adrien though, she always says Uncle Luke instead.
I don't know if it's hard for her to say or if she is just playing with us.
It cracks us up anyway.
I love how she says my niece's name "Morgy", I think I'm going to start calling her that myself from now on!

We stayed and visited for a while after my son got home then we headed home ourselves to have some supper.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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