Tuesday 11 August 2020

KImberly, Falls, Ice Cream & Final Deck Time (July 27, 2020)

Well it's our last day here, wish we could stay longer but also thankful that we got to come at all.

The pillowcases where all drying on the deck overnight and had dried out really well so I ironed them this morning then threw them in the washer to set the paint.

I'm going to miss this deck, what an incredible spot.

I was enjoying my morning coffee and I looked up at the sky and there wasn't a cloud to be seen any where.

No pancakes today, the kids had cereal out on the deck.

Miss A was having a Facetime chat with one of her friends and showing her around the place.

Baby F got her baby and she's ready to go.

She was 'scaring' Mr H and he was pretending to be surprised and she loved it.

So cute,
Mr H is so sweet with her, and she just loves an audience.

Everyone just chilling on the deck while we decided what we were going to do today.


Having a snack.

My sister handed the keys of her house to the new owner so they were staying at a hotel in Dartmouth until she got the keys to her new place.
Dartmouth is going through a heat wave currently so they were spending the day in the pool at the hotel to keep cool.

We ultimately decided to go to Kimberly for a drive today so we all hopped in our vehicles and made the hour long drive over there.

When we got there, we all found places to park then met in the center of town.
We did a bit of browsing in the shops on the street.

They got Baby F this giant lollipop and it was so funny, when they gave it to her, all the adults in the vicinity got out their cameras to take a picture.

That's a pretty big lollipop for such a little girl.

We decided to go have some lunch and picked a pizza restaurant.

We had to wait to be seated and we had to be seated at separate tables because of Covid-19 dining regulations.

Mom, My Honey, Miss A and Mr H all sat at a table together.

My Son, Baby F, Miss H, MIss Z and CP sat at the table next to us.

We had a good view of the cuckoo clock in town.
The waitress was so dis-organized, we had to wait forever for our food.

At least we got to see the cuckoo clock in action.

Short video of the cuckoo clock in action.

WE finally got our food and it was ok.
The kids loved their pizza's and Mr H even ate all of his.

I was kind of disappointed in Kimberly this time around.
I've been there a couple of times before and it had this European charm/feel to it but that seemed to be gone this time.
I don't know what changed but something did.
So after we finished our meal, we left the center of town and headed to some falls MIss H had heard about.

Marysville Falls.
They were only a few minutes outside of town.

The bridge was covered with this wooden structure.
Just check out those logs, they are awesome.

The falls were pretty, they were a series of falls.

With a pathway along side of them to walk down.

Some kids were jumping in and swimming.

They were pretty and the sound of the water was nice.

Mom walked most of the path with us.

My Honey and I.

The path went quite far along the falls.

I'm glad there was a fence along it or I would have been really nervous having the kids near it.

Tried to get the kids to pose for a picture.

It was hard to get them all looking and smiling at the same time (or even in the picture for that matter).

It was a bit of a walk for Mom so she had to have a rest.

The kids figured that looked like a good idea and sat down with her.

Pretty spot.

Baby F wanted to walk.
Funny when they are little and we want to carry them, they want to walk, then they get bigger and are too heavy and then they don't want to walk and they actually want to be carried.

At least she's not at the point yet where she doesn't want to have her hand held either.

Miss H got close to the water for a picture and I'm not going to lie, I was super nervous.
I kept it to myself - I don't want my worrying to put a damper on anyone else's good time.

I kind of wish the tree branches weren't in the way but still a nice picture.

We walked quite far along the trail then turned around and headed back.

I had to walk quickly to keep up with the kiddos, they were fast.

So I didn't get to see it but Miss H jumped right in, clothes and all where we'd first seen the kids jumping in and swimming.

I love how she just seized the moment.

She was the only one in our group who did it, the rest of us just watched from the sideines.

She was glad she did, she said it was fun and refreshing.

We went to an ice cream place across the street and while we were waiting for our ice cream, we noticed this deer just chilling in this homes backyard.

I had passionfruit sorbet and sugar free caramel.
I wanted it in a cup but they gave e a cone (I just threw the cone away after I ate the ice cream).

It was a scorcher of a day again here in BC so we all really enjoyed that ice cream.

It was nice to have a break from the car too before we had to hop back in for the hour long drive home.

Sharing her ice cream with Papa.

After ice cream we drove back to our place.
It was after 6 pm when we got there so we didn't really have time to go do anything else.

That was ok, it was nice to just chill on the deck for the evening.

He started off with one kid on his lap and ended up with all of them in no time.

I was looking at Facebook and everyone had posted some pictures They'd taken on our trip so far.
So these are a few from CP, Miss H and My Honey.
This is a view of the beach at the property.

Mr H and Baby F.

Another shot of them, love that smile of hers.

Miss Z, Miss A and Mr H.
It was good that they had each other to play with on this trip.

My boy and Miss H.

Pretty in pink.

Miss H with Baby F and her sissy, Miss Z.

On the drive hone today from Kimberly, they stopped at this river to test out some of that glacial water.
Never miss an opportunity to seize the moment!

Miss H at the beach.

Miss H and Miss A.

Baby F loving the ottoman.

My boy getting his glow on.

A lot of time was spend playing on this swing set.

My boy and his little family out for a boat ride.

Miss H enjoying her morning coffee on this fabulous deck.

Ready for the sun.

Beach babe!

RP, CP and Miss Z at the falls today.

Trying to pick some flowers.

Baby F being serenaded by her Papa.

She's a big music fan already.

Baby F and Miss Z.

They just loved laying and playing on that oversize ottoman.

My son and Miss H headed into to Invermere to have a romantic supper and we stayed with the kids.
We made them hot dogs for supper.

Miss A ate two of them.

Entertaining Baby F while she was eating her supper.

He's really sweet with Baby F and it's so adorable.

After supper, My Honey and I needed some more steps so we took the kids for one last walk aroudn the neighborhood.

It's such a nice area.

I'm really going to miss this deck.

I really liked the way they had their house number displayed.

There were lots of great homes.

They all just naturally flock to him.

I tend to like the lighter colored homes.

I love the walls of windows.

Lots of places for sale
I wanted to look them up to see how much they were but I keep forgetting to do it.

We went for quite a long walk.

That hammock would be a nice place to spend a day reading a book.

Some of the homes appear to have fabulous views.

Another place with a giant deck and loads of windows.
Just what I'd want in a lake place.

I liked that there was a combination of styles and all the houses weren't just cookie cutters of each other.

There were a few modern looking places.
Not my preferred style but it's growing on me.

We took a short cut trail through the woods that we saw and the mosquitoes in it were horrendous.
I couldn't wait to get out of it, thankfully it was a short trail.

The landscaping is so nicely maintained.
I wonder if the individual home owners do that or if there is a home owners association that takes care of it?

The kids were starting to get tuckered out in the end.

They were so happy when we got back to the house.

They thought we had to walk around by the road but when they saw that we could cut across the yard they got a bit more pep in their step.

A side view of the deck.

The pep didn't last long, they looked pretty sad dragging themselves up the stairs.

Baby F was right there waiting for Papa when we got back.

The upstairs loft area had a balcony off of it but we didn't use it at all.

We spent our last evening sitting on the deck enjoying one another's company.

Going to miss these warm evenings.

We had to finish off the ice cream, Baby F gave us a hand.

I realized we had freezies that we hadn't eaten too so the kids had some of those.

Miss H and my boy enjoyed their romantic dinner tonight.
They said it was the best fried chicken they'd ever had.

The mosquitoes got too bad so we moved into the house.

Trying to get her to say her own name because it sounds so cute the way she says it.

Still can't get her to say Uncle Adrien - she always says Uncle Luke instead.

The owner had a big basket of dog toys there in the living room and the kids loved playing with them.
For some reason, Baby F took a liking to this rubber chicken.

Just a slight Baby Shark obsession.

Good night hugs all around.

I wish we had more time to spend here, it's been nice being with everyone and the weather has been wonderful.
I'm already thinking Id like to book something for next year.
I'm going to look for something directly on a lake though or maybe with a pool.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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