Tuesday 11 August 2020

Weigh In Day - Happy Results! (July 29, 2020)

It was back to work today.
It's a short week though so it won't be too bad.
It's already Wednesday and I don't have to work on Friday so I only have to work today and tomorrow.

I weighed in this morning and I was preparing myself mentally for a possible gain so was happy to see a loss.
I tracked my food while we were on vacation but there was a lot of guessing and I usually did it at the end of the day so there was some guessing too.
We also had ice cream a few times, sugar free though so I wasn't really sure what to expect.

I was very happy with a 2 lb loss though, that's 38 down now, so close to 40!

The sun was shining so I headed out for a walk to the road and back.

Then I decided to not go home for lunch and to go for a walk instead.

I walked up to the turn in to town so I could have a look at the murals that the Flowers in Bloom group in town just got put up.

They painted them and it took them a long time but I think they turned out really well.

My friend, NCT, is part of the group and she was telling me about them months ago so it's nice to see they were finally able to complete them.

Back in NS, my sister finally got the keys to her new place and started moving in.
She said she didn't get a lot unpacked but she got the tv's put up and connected so that's a pretty big accomplishment.

It was a quiet evening, I ended up working late and so did My Honey.
When I did get home, I just unpacked, put things away and watched some Counting On.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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