Friday 31 July 2020

Time with Baby F before more time with Baby F (July 21, 2020)

My Honey got called out to work around 4 am this morning, poor guy.

Since our vehicle is still in the shop, I ended up having to walk to work, it was a nice morning for it.

I see the cow is still making his way around town, he was on the front lawn of the RCMP detachment this morning.

I wish I could make myself get out of bed early enough to walk to work every day, it's such a great way to start the day.
It's hard to get to bed early in the summer time too though so staying up late normally wins out.

My Honey was checking the weather in Windermere for the next week while we are there and it looks like it is going to be a fabulously sunny week.

Miss H posted this today, made me laugh.
She was out of the room for a minute to go to the washroom and Baby F found her lipstick.

I got to have a little visitor after work while her mom and dad went golfing.

She found a balloon and was very determined to try to blow it up.
She nearly got it.

It was hard work though so she had to take a break and have a bit of a snack.

I got her to give me a really great smile for a selfie with Grandma.

She was thrilled when Papa arrived home from work.

She does this little thing where she closes her eyes and dances around.
She was doing that with My Honey, it looked so darn cute.

I'm telling you, once Papa gets home, Grandma sure drops down the totem pole.
I don't mind though - I love the sweet relationship they have.

Just being goofy!

I cooked up some chicken and brussels sprouts for supper, made some cole slaw to go along with it.

Papa put some Baby Shark videos on his phone for her to watch to keep her busy while we ate.

She already has the hang of scrolling through You Tube looking for more videos to watch - they learn so young.

Baby F's parents dropped by to pick her up but we said we'd walk her home, we wanted to go for a walk anyway.

She wanted to get out and walk so we let her once we got in the old trailer park away from the road.

My Honey always has a balloon in his pocket to entertain the kiddos.
It comes in handy a LOT!

I love her little run, it's so cute.

My WW Connect daily reason why.
It's not often she's smiling so widely in our selfies.

We are heading out on vacation tomorrow so we'll have a whole week to spend with this cutie!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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