Thursday 2 July 2020

Yard Sale Prep (June 30, 2020)

It was another dreary day in the neighborhood.
Back home they are complaining about the heat and how they can't escape it.
While here, it's the total opposite, we are just longing for some nice weather.

Even though it was drizzly this morning, I put my raincoat on and headed out for a walk to the turn in to town.

I must have looked so forlorn or something because an RCMP happened to be driving by and he pulled over to ask me if everything was ok.😄

There weren't many of us around today - it's a short week so lots of people took advantage.
They just had to use 3 vacation days to get the whole week so that's what they did.

Thursday will be even worse, only JRA and I will be working that day.
My Honey is back to work tomorrow so there was no sense in me taking the days off just to sit home by myself.
I'll keep my vacation days until he and I can go somewhere together.

In the afternoon, the rain had stopped a little so I went out for another walk.

I really need to get this grey covered!

Oh Mr Sun, wherefore art thou?

Even though the sky was grey and gloomy, it kind of makes the green of the trees and bushes pop so I guess that's a positive.
Plus, the fire index is way down and I don't think forest fires will be an issue for us this year so that's good too!

Miss H decided she wants to have a yard sale this weekend and mom has a bunch of her stuff stored at their place so we decided to go over and go through it.
After her stroke, when we realized that she would have to give up her place and live with me, we packed up her place in kind of a hurry and didn't really take the time to go through it all and figure out what she would need and what she wouldn't.
It's been a few years now so it's about time we got over there and went through it all.

Over the years mom has accumulated a lot of stuff just like we all do.
Nice things too, crystal and expensive boots and clothes and other collectables.
She can't really wear the stuff she used to now and she doesn't have room for everything.
She wanted us all to have her things and while there were a few things I wanted, I just don't have room (or a use) for all of it.  Neither do my son or my siblings.
I felt so bad because what do you do with it all?
It just puts into perspective how much 'stuff' we all have and why?
What is it all really worth?

We got a lot done and while we were working on that, My Honey took care of the kiddos (Baby F and Miss Z who happened to be visiting).

Miss Z is so funny, she got all serious and told me that she'd fallen off the bed at her Grandma's house.
I asked if she was hurt and she said
"Oh no, I'm ok, it didn't happen today, it happened tomorrow".
Ha ha!

We finished up for the evening around 8:30 and I was pretty tired.

I wanted to spend a little time with Baby F before we left though.
She was pretty much stuck to My Honey but she did let me get her a strawberry.
She is such a cutie.

When we got home, My Honey cooked us up some veggie burgers and I made instant mashed potatoes.
Not the most beautiful supper but it tasted good.

This was from a Color Run we did in Saskatoon.
I ran the whole 5K and was so proud of myself.
That's when I decided that I wanted to start doing fun runs like this more regularly.
(For a variety of reasons, I haven't run another since).

Even though I have not been doing all the races that I wanted to, I still want to run a marathon some day.
I wanted to do it before I turn 50 but now I've extended my deadline to while I'm still 50.
I know I don't have to lose weight to run a marathon but I think it will help.
All the walking and biking we've been doing is helping with my endurance which is the first step I think.
I truly believe I can do it and I'm totally going to run a marathon at least once!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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