Tuesday 21 July 2020

Unexpected Purchase (July 18, 2020)

I woke up when My Honey was getting ready for work and I felt rested so I just got up.

I made a coffee and worked on a goal in my goal book.
Just getting this book done before I turn 50 is going to be a challenge 😁

I was sitting there thinking about this vehicle I had seen online last night.
My Honey and I had a Lincoln MRC for our rental when we were in Texas and I just loved it.
This one had 70,000 kms on it and I thought it was a pretty good deal so I just decided out of the blue to call my brother to see if I could borrow his truck to run into the city and have a look at it.

He said sure so I walked over, picked up the truck and hit the road.

My Honey called ahead to the dealership to let them know I was coming and I wanted to test drive a few vehicles.
He also asked for them to have the Car Fax ready.

So they had the Lincoln ready for me when I arrived and it was the first one I tried out.
I loved it too.
However, the Car Fax mentioned that it had been in an accident but there were't really any other details so that was concerning.

I had also seen a GMC Terrain which I wanted to test drive.
That was my least favorite of the day.

My sister suggested a Kia Sorento so they pulled up one of those for me to try out and I did really like it.
It was a really smooth ride.

My Honey found this one at the same place, a Hyundai Tucson, so they pulled that one around for me to try too.
I really liked it.

My Honey said he found one that was a better deal at a dealership in St Albert.
I was kind of ready to head home by that time but I figured I was already there, I'd pop over and just have a look on my way out.

When I got there, first off, they were having a VIP Event which I crashed (they didn't mind).
I asked about the Tucson and they said it was actually coming from Calgary and wouldn't make it to the lot until Monday.
He asked if I knew that it had hail damage and I did not know.

He said he could take me to test drive a Tucson they had in stock to get a feel for it and they did have another hail damaged vehicle that he could show me just so I could see how it would look.

Calgary had a terrible hail storm recently that caused a lot of damage.

I tried out the Tucson which I already knew I was going to like and I did.

Then he showed me the hail damaged vehicle they had at the lot.
It was a 2020 Mitsubishi Outlander with only 10 km on it.
The salesman I was working with told me I'd never find a newer used car anywhere and I think he was right.
He just recently moved here from NB so as a fellow Maritimer, I instantly liked him.
I told him I'd like to take it out for a test drive so we hopped in and off we went.

It's got so many dents in it that it reminds me of a golf ball.

This vehicle had been meant for a rental company but I it got damaged before they even ever rented it out.

The whole top and passenger side are loaded with these little hail dents but the driver's side looks pretty good.
I ended up really liking it.
It was a steal of a deal too.
He told me they'd gotten 4 of them in just yesterday and 3 of them were sold already, they didn't even have a chance to put them on the web site.
He figured this one wouldn't last the day either and I told him he was right because I was going to buy it.

So that was that.
I didn't intend to buy a vehicle today but sometimes you find a deal that's just too good to pass up.

We went in to get started on all the paperwork and financial stuff.
OMG - that took forever!
Probably close to 3 hours to get that all sorted.

So now I'm the proud owner of a brand new 'used' vehicle that's full of dents.
I've decided I'm just going to embrace it and I've already named her 'Dimples'
I will have to come back on Wednesday when My Honey is on days off to pick her up and it's perfect timing since we are heading to BC on Wednesday.
We won't have to rent a vehicle. to go.

I took some pictures to show My Honey.
It is really roomy in the back.

It seats 7 which is awesome.

It's still got that new car smell and even though it's already so clean, they said they would make sure it was all detailed before I picked it up.

It's the newest car I've ever owned.

It has the nice display screen with the navigation option which I love.

It was much later than I expected when I headed back home.
I had only eaten a banana all day so I was hungry but my brother wanted to pull his trailer out to a campsite so I wanted to get back home as quickly as possible to drop off his vehicle to him.

It was after 6 when I got home so My Honey got home not much later.
We had some supper then went for a walk.

We stopped by to visit Baby F.

She still wasn't herself, still a little under the weather.

She wanted to sit with Papa and watch videos on his phone.

She actually let me snuggle right up to her and watch too.

My sweet girlie!

We left there and stopped by my niece's place to feed her kitties, Frank here and Dakota.
She and Mr T went to Kelowna for the weekend for his birthday.
I love that they get out and do stuff like that, it's awesome.

My WW Connect Daily Reason Why for today.
Normally I would have went through a drive through to grab something quick but I refrained today.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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