Thursday 9 July 2020

Romp in the Park (July 6, 2020)

Weigh in Day!
Bigger losses are hard when you get this far into it I find so I was really happy with this weeks loss.
-2.6 lbs is awesome.

I reached the 30 lbs lost mark, next goal, 40 lbs down!

I was back to work today so of course the sun was shining away brilliantly.

The sky was looking so pretty and by late afternoon, it was still nice.
Some days it seems that the sun shines all day long just until it's time to go home then the clouds roll in and the rain starts to fall.
Not today though.

So I got out for another walk in the afternoon.

Then when I got home, NCT dropped by and we went for a walk too.

My son & Miss H decided to go golf so they dropped Baby F off to me.

She had three bowls of mini marshmallows (there were only a few in the bowl each time but still).

She found her hat.

It's a bit on the big side so it was falling over her eyes.

She just left it like that and walked around blindly.

Then it turned into a game of peek-a-boo with Nanny.


What a character she is.

She knows how to operate the remote control (kind of) so she was just flying through the channels.

We were all excited when Papa got home from work

I made salad with veggie ground for supper again along with roasted broccoli and cauliflower.
Yum yum.

Baby F even liked it.

She got right up on the table to help Papa eat his.

She offered me a bite too.

The faces on this kid, ha ha!

After supper, we went for a walk.
I was afraid it would be too cold for her so I wrapped her in a blanket like a burrito.

It wasn't cold at all though and soon enough she wanted out so that she could push the stroller.

She loves blowing the dandelions and having the seeds blow every where.

She got it a bit too close to her mouth though and they all stuck to her lips.

She also loves the 'mommy had a baby and it's head popped off' game.

She hasn't quite got the hang of the 'popped' off part but she's trying.

She says 'mommy' then starts dancing and she joins in for the 'pop'.

Papa was getting too far away from her and she didn't like that.

On a mission.

The grass is almost as tall as her.

She caught up to Papa.

She started getting braver and going a little further away from Papa in the long grass.

She found a big rut in the ground and had a little sit down.

Looking for bugs.

Love that little smile so much.

Picking some flowers for mom.

My Honey took this picture of her and it turned out so good.

Walking with Papa.

After our walk around the old trailer park, we headed to the park.

Big girl going up the stairs by herself.

Papa had to go on the slide with her and she gave him a push so he could go down first.

She watched him go down.

Then it was 'my turn'.

They went down the slide over and over and she just started saying 'my turn' out of nowhere.
It was so cute.

They played on the teeter totter.

Then mom and dad showed up at the park to get her when she was riding on the dinosaur.
We thought it would be hard to get her out of there but she was happy to see them and ready to go home.
My Honey and I walked back home and watched some Food Insider before hitting the hay.

They took this picture Saturday night at their supper, it's four generations.
I love seeing these kinds of pictures.

You know you are doing something right when you look forward to weigh in day and it's such a great, satisfying feeling to see my dedication paying off.

I can't believe I missed getting all green by 1 floor.
I should have looked at my fitbit totals before I went to bed.
Oh well - at least I got my 10,000 steps.
I'm going to do it again next year but I think next year, I'm going to try for all green on these 5 measurements each day.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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