Wednesday 15 July 2020

A Whole Day With Baby F (July 10, 2020)

Happy Friday!
Friday's have always been my favorite day of the week but now that I have them off for the summer, I love them even more!

My sister got a promotion today.

Congratulations Sergeant!
So proud of her!

Thought I'd screen shot this and keep it in case I'm looking for a new book to read.
I'm still working on the Harry Potter series but when I'm done that, I'll be ready for something different.
I used to always read the books from Oprah's Book Club back in the day when it was the thing and while there were a couple that I didn't enjoy, the majority of them were good.

I wonder if he thinks we can't see him?

He really seems to like it in there.

I made breakfast for us today.
It was meant to be an omelet but looked more like a scramble.
I warmed up some left over ham to go with it and it was a great, filling breakfast.

We had Baby F for the day as both her mom & dad had to work.
Miss H dropped her off around 11:30.
We were listening to some 

We were really looking forward to spending the day with her.

She likes playing in the cat tunnel just as much as the cats.

We had a little snack almost as soon as she got there.
She loves 'chip' which can be anything from chips to cheesies to popcorn.

Then we got ready, packed a little bag with more snacks and drinks and walked down to the park.

I pushed her on the swing.

I love the look of pure joy on her face.

She loves playing in the tunnels at the park too.

She was having a grand old time.

She likes to lay on her belly to slide sometimes.

I think she was pretending to be a puppy - that's a thing for her now.

She's so goofy - she likes to close her eyes and just kind of walk around.

We watch her so she doesn't bang into anything but it does look so darn cute when she does it.

We went for a jog along the tire path.

'You can't catch me Grandma'

We spent about two hours at the park then we walked over to the coffee shop in town to get an iced coffee drink.
She happened to notice her reflection in the mirrored office windows of this building.

Making faces at herself.

Admiring herself.

Even giving herself a kiss!

This is my favorite shot - Self Love right there!

Bye self!

We just let her do her thing until she was ready to move on.

She wanted a bag of cheesies.

Sharing with Papa.

Those are some good cheesies.

We got her a bowl of soup but she didn't eat much of it at all.

My heart.

We walked back to the house and had an ice cream on the front step.
She doesn't quite have the hang of taking pictures with a camera yet.

Then we went in and had a little dance party.

My Honey was making Animal do the actions to the song so she was trying to do the same.

Then they did Freeze Dance.
(She's still not too plucky around that monster puppet).

She still tries to see where she's going when she twirls so her eyes just crack me up.

Just having a break to cuddle with her 'baby'.

The faces this kid makes.

She definitely is a little actress and loves making people laugh.

She loves Elmo songs too so and that about rounds out her Alexa requests.

She wanted to play the 'boon' game so she and My Honey popped balloons on the tablet for a bit.

So serious.

Supper time.
She doesn't believe in eating things one at a time, she has to get a handful and shove it all in.

It was such a nice day that after supper, we headed back out to make sure we didn't miss any of it.

Gorgeous days are rare here this summer it seems.

My Honey got out the giant bubble makers.

Baby F found this little toy in the shed that I was going to throw out but she seems to like it and plays with it whenever she comes over now.

It took a few tries to get the bubble mixture right and it was really windy so that didn't help but we did manage to make a few big bubbles.


Mom was out all day enjoying her swing - I had a little swing with her.

Still trying to make bubbles.

My Honey brought out a wooden spoon to mix the bubble solution and I guess she wanted to like the spoon.
Ha ha.
It couldn't have tasted very good.
She also kept getting handfuls of bubbles and putting them on her head so she was soaked.

She had put lip gloss in her hair yesterday and mom & dad couldn't get it out.
We gave her a bath after bubble making and the bubble solution seemed to do the trick for getting the lip gloss out.

Happy girl.

My son got home just before 9 so he dropped by and picked her up.
We had a full day with her and we enjoyed every moment but it wasn't over yet.

My son and Miss H had a birthday party to go to so we headed over to their place to watch Baby F again so they could go out for a couple hours.
She was already in bed though so we just watched some tv.

She did wake up and we tried to get her back to sleep but to no avail.
She had to be in Papa's arms so we brought her to the couch and let her sit with us, mom & dad got home not too much later so they just took her back to bed.

In other news, Miss Z had to go to the hospital today because she fell out of bed and hurt her shoulder.

Her shoulder was bothering her so she had to get it xrayed.

It was broken - they can't do much for it though except to put it in a sling.

What a little trooper she is!

My WW Connect Daily Reason Why.
Some days I have a hard time coming up with a reason why and today was one of those days.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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