Sunday 19 July 2020

Strange Weather (July 15, 2020)

The weather this summer has not been great at all. 
I'm not going to let it stop me though or get me down.

No rain at least so I was out for my walk this morning.

I didn't bother going home for lunch, instead, I went for a nice long walk.
The sun came out in full force - such strange weather we've been having.

Noticed this feather pendant just randomly on the side of the highway.
Makes me wonder how things like this get in places like these?

Baby F was out at the golf course having supper with her mom and dad.
They were going golfing so I went out there after work and picked her up to bring her to my place.

We video messaged My Honey because she kept asking for Papa and I accidentally turned on some filters.
Then after I went purposely looking for some filters but this was the only one I could find.
Pretty darn cute though.

She wanted to go down and visit Nanny.

She loves going up and down the stairs.

She figured mom's ottoman looked like a mini trampoline.

Mom & I were both nervous that she was going to fall so I was telling her to be careful.
This was her response, "No Grandma".
Ha ha.
She loves saying that.

She saw my tablet so wanted to play games on that.

She's getting really good at bug crushing.

Tried to take a selfie with her but couldn't get her to look

She was sitting with me on the couch though so I'll take it.

Until Papa got home that is, then it was all about Papa.

She fed him some cheesies.

She's all about getting up on the table.

She was determined to give the kitties some loving.

They stuck around and took it too - for a bit.

Loving the kitties up.

She was so excited when Mommy showed up and she brought Miss Z with her.

Baby F just loves her Auntie Z.

They got out my Muppets....

and had a dance party.
This is one of Miss Z's favorite songs - she pretty much knows all the words.

They all played the bug crushing game together.

It's the kind of game that more than one person can play at a time which is good.

It kept them entertained.

Looking so serious.

My WW Connect Daily Reason Why.
Now that I'm getting smaller, more of me fits under the water when I have a bath.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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