Wednesday 8 July 2020

Sunday Already? (July 5, 2020)

How is it Sunday already?

My Honey had a very fruit filled breakfast.

Then he got to work on today's bbq.
He's making them pizza on the bbq today.
I'm interested to see how it will turn out.

I keep seeing these stock pools and I want one!

It was grey and drizzly out (where are you Mr Sun) but I got ready anyway and headed out for a walk.

I actually did some running jogging outside today, that's why my glasses are so fogged up.
It was downhill but I'm still really proud of myself.

Even made it my WW Connect Daily Reason Why.

When I got home I made myself a nice big omelet for breakfast.
I added veggie based ground 'meat' and it was so good.

My Honey said his bbq pizza was a huge success.

I saw this Big Mac Salad and it looked so good - I think I'm going to make it today for supper.

Miss H posted this adorable shot of Ozzy resting in among the lilac bush.

My son and Miss H went golfing today so I got to spend some time with my little sweetheart.

I have no idea how this filter got turned on but it looks so cute.

Selfie time with Grandma.

We did silly faces.

She wanted a snack - this kid looooves oranges.
She had to eat it in her 'spot' too.

I put a few games on my tablet that are geared towards toddlers and she likes to play them.
She saw my tablet and she said 'balloon'.
The game is that balloon float up and you have to pop them.

There is another game where you squash bugs as they go across the screen and she likes that one too.

She found this hat I got for her - it's a little on the big side but she didn't care.

In fact, she thought it was funny that it was falling down over her eyes.
She was walking around with it over her eyes and bumping into things and just laughing and laughing.

Papa is home!

She got her 'glasses' on.

Ha ha - she just loves them.

Checking herself out on the selfie cam.

They were all crooked but that didn't matter to her.

Another thing she loves to do - get up in Papa's arms and order him where to take her 😁

The Big Mac Salad was delicious - I think it's going to become a staple.
I used veggie based ground beef as it's much fewer points than actual ground beef and if a person didn't know, I think they'd be hard pressed to tell the difference.

They played with the remote robot for a bit.

Her mom & dad arrived just after we ate and they hung out for a little while - they tried the salad too and they really liked it.

She took a liking to Kermit and had to take him home with her.

This was from the birthday supper yesterday, all Papa R's girls helped him blow out his candles.

More Facebook memories to share

July 5, 2014
We had supper at a Mexican restaurant in NYC, Talcingo del Valle.
I had pazole and my favorite grapefruit pop.

We saw the Lion King musical that trip too.
July 5, 2014

Back in 2015, we went on Scott's Pizza tour in NYC.
My Honey was so happy to see that it was Scott himself doing the tour.
He's kind of a big deal in the pizza world.
He's so enthusiastic about pizza and it's infectious.

We each got a pocket pizza journal to jot notes into about the pizza we were tasting.

They actually drove us around in a van and we were all over the place.
I wonder if My Honey could fold himself into this tiny little car?

We went to about 4 or 5 different places, one of them was Patsy's which we've been wanting to check out so that was good.

My Honey is always very interested in the pizza ovens.

We just had the sauce and cheese on each of the pizza's that we tried but they were all delicious.

This was a place up in the Bronx, it was a nice restaurant inside.

Well, that's about all for today, until next time, be happy!

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