Thursday 2 July 2020

Rainy Canada Day (July 1, 2020)

It's Canada Day!
That means - day off for me, My Honey was back to work though.
It was just pouring rain outside when I got up so I made a coffee and found a movie to watch.

It took me a long time to figure out what I wanted to watch but I finally settled on this one.
It was ok.

After the movie, I made myself some breakfast.
An egg white omelet with turkey bacon.

The rain slowed down to just a drizzle so I got my rain coat on and headed out for a walk.

Lupins are so pretty and remind me of back home.
The ditches in NS and PEI are just loaded with them.
I took it for granted when I lived there but now I really miss them each year so seeing these brightened my day.

The lilacs are also starting to bloom here.
I love them - the smell so good.
I don't usually like strong floral scents but I do love the lilacs.
We are late for these here - I noticed in WCT the other day that the lilacs there are turning brown already.
Mind you, they don't last very long so we aren't that far behind I guess.

I walked for an hour and it was really nice.
The rain did let up half way through which was nice because up until then, I had to keep wiping off my glasses every few minutes.

When I got home, my little love bug hopped up on my lap and wanted some cuddles.

He was just in Heaven!

After some cuddles, mom and I headed over to my son's to finish going through her stuff.

When we walked in, Baby F was so disappointed that Papa wasn't with me.
Aww, so I called him so she could talk to him.
She was confused as to why she couldn't see him - she's used to Facetime.
My Honey doesn't have an iphone so I suggested he sign up for Facebook and get a messenger account so we could video chat with him.
He's never been interested in getting Facebook but being able to video chat with Baby F made it worthwhile and he signed up.

It was easy peasy and we had a quick video chat and everyone was happy!

Baby F really wanted to come downstairs with us to help.

I just love her hair in a ponytail, it looks so cute.

It took us a couple more hours to go through everything and we still aren't done but we were all tired so we called it a day for that.

Miss H said she'd put a dye in my hair for me so this is the before.
Finally going to kick this grey to the curb.

Miss H was having a snack while her mama did my hair.

Watching Little Baby Bum!

Mom gave her a Fuzzy Peach to try - she wasn't a fan!

I just tucked my hair up into a shopping bag once Miss H got all the dye in and I headed home to rinse it out myself.
I don't really have an 'after' picture because I rinsed it then just threw it into a ponytail while I made supper for My Honey and I.
We watched the new Sweet Home Sextuplets then pretty much went to bed and I didn't even comb my hair out.
It is going to be nothing but knots tomorrow!

I didn't forget about my 50 x 50 goal book and I officially hit the halfway mark on this goal yesterday.
I've now walked 10,000 steps or more per day, every single day for half of the year.
It's become like second nature now.
I knew I could do it.

We have travelled to NYC quite a few times at this time of the year so lots of picture memories popped up on Facebook today.

This one I made into my WW Connect daily reason why.
We've gone to NYC every year for the last 10 years and each time I say that I'm going to lose weight so the next time I go I can do some shopping.
The first time I went was the smallest I've been so obviously that shopping trip hasn't happened.
I don't know if we'll get to NYC this year due to Covid-19 and travel restrictions but the next time I go, I plan on being significantly smaller and finally going on that shopping spree I've been wanting to.

I can't remember exactly which year this was - they all kind of run together sometimes, but we had the opportunity to go see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and it was wonderful.

It was our first time being in Carnegie Hall.

What a beautiful building.

Each year, we try to take a train trip to another city from NYC for the day.
This year (2014 I think) we went to Washington DC.
We did the trolley tour of the city and it took us through Georgetown.
My Honey just happened to know that the iconic 'stairs' scene from The Exorcist was filmed there so we hopped off to go find them.
(He knows so much random stuff).
The trolley tour guide told us where to find them and they weren't that far from the stop.

I had to go down them just because.

We also took a tour of Ford's Theater where Abe Lincoln was assassinated while we were in DC.
I knew Abe Lincoln was shot in a theater but I had no idea the name of the theater or where it was so I feel so thankful that My Honey knows all of this random stuff and that we get to check out all these places that normally would never have been on my radar.

The seats in the theater were tiny - I guess people used to be a lot smaller back then.
This is the balcony where Abe Lincoln was sitting when he was shot.

Of course no visit to Washington DC is complete without checking out this famous residence.
I think Obama was POTUS when we were there.
There were armed guards stationed all over the place which you'd think would be unnerving but it wasn't.

We made an annual trip to Schnippers for a meal and this trip was no different.
They have the best Salted Caramel milk shake.

I also had one of their sloppy joe's.
The first time I heard of Schnipper's was when they were on the Bobby Flay Throwdown show and they competed against Bobby Flay for the title of best Sloppy Joe.
If I recall correctly, Schnipper's won that competition.

Another meal - I can't remember what I was eating or what restaurant it was at - I'm mainly sharing it because I think I look pretty good in this picture.

This was the year that we went to the Kelly & Michael show.
We actually went on Canada Day.

While we were waiting in line, they came out looking for volunteers to play games with Kelly & Michael for the Fourth of July show which they were filming right after the filming of the show we were there to see.
They really wanted My Honey to do it but he didn't want to.
They asked him a couple of times but he declined.
I wish I'd had the guts to do it but I felt fat and didn't want to be embarrassed.
I regret not volunteering that day.
I don't want my weight to hold me back from opportunities like this going forward

It was cool to see these people that you see all the time on television in the flesh.
We were even allowed to take pictures which I hadn't expected so I didn't bring my good camera with me and my phone at the time didn't take very good pictures.

The Coney Island hot dog eating contest was coming up right away so they had last years champions on as guests.

Kelly Osbourne was also a guest that day.
She & Kelly Ripa were both so tiny in person.

Just being on the set was really cool.
It took up a lot of our day though just waiting in line so I'm not sure if we'd do it again.
I'm glad we got to experience it though.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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