Thursday 9 July 2020

Summer, Where Are You? (July 7, 2020)

My goodness, we aren't really having that great of a summer so far.

There wasn't really any sunshine but it wasn't raining so I got out and went for a walk to the road this morning.

I had a fresh mango for a snack at break.
When they are ripe they are so tasty.

The sun kind of showed up this afternoon so I went out for another walk.

That was only one direction though - blue skies this way.

But if you turned around and looked the other way, looks like we have a big squall heading our way.

My Honey says he's embracing 'nerd-dom'.
He finally had to tape up his glasses, luckily it was on the arm part and not the nose part 😄

I had picked up pork chops for supper and I got everything ready but figured I'd wait until My Honey got home to add the salad dressing and cook the chops.
The new season of Counting On was on tonight and it was 2 hours long so I watched that while I was waiting.
I loved watching it, it's like catching up with family that I haven't seen for awhile.
Then a new episode of Sweet Home Sextuplets came on and I watched that too.

Then I just happened to look at the time and it was 8:50 pm.
I couldn't believe it, I didn't even think it was 7:30 yet.
I was feeling hungry and no wonder.

I texted My Honey to see where he was and turns out they were having issues out in the field so he was still going to be another hour or so.

So I went ahead and cooked a couple pork chops for me and mixed the salad.
It was so good.
The pork chops were a little on the tough side so I'm glad I left his for him to cook when he got home.
I'm just not great at cooking meat for some reason no matter how hard I try. 

I got my Body Fat Percentage meter out today and measured myself.
I'm 45.6% fat and my BMI is 39 currently.
I made this my WW Connect Daily Reason Why for today and I'm looking forward to posting an update down the road with much lower numbers!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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