Tuesday 7 July 2020

Independence Day Over The Years! (July 4, 2020)

My Honey sent me this picture when he got to work this morning and said they'd had snow out there.
I believed him too but turns out it was just fluff from plants blowing around.
There is a pile of it around this year.

I slept in a bit then tried to find a movie to watch but nothing was really appealing to me.
I started watching the newest season of 13 Reasons Why but it was annoying me so much that I just turned it off.

Instead I got ready and headed out for a nice long walk.

I decided to go through the campground in town just for a change of scenery and came across this little fellow.
He was being perfectly still, like a statue.
I think he thought if he didn't move, I wouldn't notice him.

I love seeing flowers in bloom, it feels so summery.

I tried a recipe for tofu salad dressing that I saw on WW Connect for supper today.
I put it on some coleslaw mix and I also roasted up some green beans and brussels sprouts.
I don't mind tofu but I wasn't crazy about the texture of the dressing.
I think I'd give it another go though and maybe change the recipe up a bit, add my own twist.

I stopped over at my son's for a bit to visit.
Miss H has the china cabinet all set up with the crystal and china that mom gave her, it looks really nice.

Baby F wanted an orange so she climbed up onto the table and helped herself to one.

She did not want my help peeling it either.

We played with her Frozen sticker book together for awhile then I headed home.

My Honey found wild strawberries out in the field today.

He said they looked ripe but they weren't that sweet.

I had a nice long bath this afternoon and read my book.
I stayed in until the water turned cold and I was actually shivering.

I decided to actually dry my hair and see how it looks with the dye job.

It's very dark but I like it.

I won't go this dark next time though.

When My Honey got home, he made chocolate chip cookies for his bbq at work tomorrow.

They were giant and the aroma of them was heavenly but I was strong and didn't succumb.
He left them to cool and we went for a bike ride.

We stopped by my son's as they were having people over for a fire tonight.
It was Miss H's stepdad's birthday so she'd had them over for supper along with her grandparents.

Of course Miss Z was there too.

Baby F

Not hard to tell someone was eating chocolate cake for dessert.

This is the play drill My Honey had gotten for her and she really likes playing with it.

She went down her little slide then she just laid there.

I'm not sure why but she thought it was funny.

She wanted Papa to 'uppie'.

It started drizzling out then we were treated to a rainbow.

Hoping the rain passes.

Double rainbow now.

The couple visiting have a son who is a couple months older than Baby F and they got along just fabulously.

They little ones got Auntie Z to push them.
So she did .

But he wanted to be pushed too so I went down to push them some.

I told them to say 'Cheese' so I could take a picture and I just love this!

Sitting with her two Papa's and she adores both of them.

After we visited for an hour or so, we headed back home.
My Honey works in the morning so he couldn't be out too late, ha ha.

I got back to working on my 50 x 50 goal book and got a new page finished.

Look how this crazy cat is laying on the couch - what a goofball.

My WW Connect Daily Reason Why for today.
Even though I still have so far to go to reach my weight loss goals, just doing something about it has done a complete 180 on my outlook.
I feel so great and just knowing that I'm doing something about it feels fantastic.
YUP 100 % Agree!

Since we've visited NY lots this time of year, lots of memories are popping up on Facebook that I thought I would share.

This one is from July 4, 2014.
Every time I put on a new white shirt, I spill on myself.
This time was no exception.
I got into a bit of an altercation with the subway doors and this was the result.
I had to walk around like this all day.
Oh well, at least I didn't lose all of my mocha, still had about half of it left to drink in my cup.

July 4, 2014
We took in the 911 Memorial that day.
Very touching.

I also bought some new shoes that day.
Incidentally, check out how swollen my feet were.
I didn't end up liking these sandals, they felt kind of floppy or something.

July 4, 2015
We had a full day planned and I got all decked out in my red, white and blue.

Even down to my shoes.

We went to a matinee that day.
Something Rotten.
Tickets for this show were on sale at the TKTS booth so we just got them not really knowing anything about the show at all.

It ended up being one of our favorites of all time.
That still holds true today, 5 years and many shows later.

Then later, we had tickets for a cruise to watch the fireworks later tonight.

It went out by the Statue of Liberty which felt very much like an Independence Day thing to do.

Selfie with Lady Liberty.

There were tons of boats out there, just everywhere.

That's one of the Macy's barges that the fireworks are set off from.

The fireworks were amazing then we got to go under the Brooklyn Bridge on our way back.

The Empire State Building sporting it's red, white and blue.

The cruise was a lot of fun.
There was music and dancing and everybody was having a great time.
Just such a great atmosphere and I'm so thankful we got to experience it.

July 4, 2016
On our 7th trip to NYC, we finally booked a cruise to go over and see the Statue of Liberty up close & personal.
Until then, we had only just seen it as we'd gone by on other cruises or on the ferry.

Lady Liberty - she's very majestic.

My Honey and Lady Liberty.

After the cruise, we went to Coney Island and got there just as the hot dog eating competition was finishing up.

Now the countdown is on to next years competition.

A Wahlburgers had opened in Coney Island so we went there for something to eat.

Then we went to the beach.

There were people EVERYWHERE!
We didn't hang out there long.

Just saw this great deal on Strawberries while we were walking around town.

We intended to go to Paulie Gee's but it was closed so we walked around until we found another place.
We were able to get a table but it took forever for our food to come.

It finally did though.
I had a white pizza with spinach on it, it was good.
Can you tell I got a bit too much sun that day?

After we ate, we went back to our hotel, they had a rooftop area that we could use so we planned on watching the fireworks from there.

I love seeing the buildings all lit up with the Independence Day colors.

We had a pretty great view from up there.

The fireworks show was amazing as usual.

Then we snacked on some interesting snacks we'd come across when we got back to our room.
I just love trying things that we can't get here in Canada (or at least that I've never seen).

July 4, 2019
These were just from last year.
We saw a matinee again - Beetlejuice.

Then we went to Prince Street pizza for a slice.
Sure wish I had a slice of this right now!

Then we had the Best Chocolate Cake in the US (according to Food & Wine Magazine).
Personally, While it was good, I would not have called it the Best.

Saw a gorgeous sunflower and it made me think of Miss H, she loves them.

Spent some time being entertained on the subway.
Everyone was in a festive mood.

We watched the fireworks from down by the Staten Island Ferry.

It was a wonderful day with My Honey.
I love our July trips to NYC, can't wait for the next one.

And that is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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