Thursday 30 July 2020

Weigh In Day (July 20, 2020)

Weigh in day.

I think when you are looking forward to weigh in day that it is a good indication that you are doing something right!
237 today.
That's a 3.2 lb loss this week.
I was not expecting that but it sure felt good.

That's 36 lbs down in just about 3 months and I am thrilled with my progress.

My son and Miss H both had to work today and they couldn't find a babysitter so I took a few hours off from work so I could watch her.
Miss H picked me up since I still don't have a vehicle.

She wanted to watch some Baby Shark videos so that's what we did.

I doesn't matter to me what we do, as long as we are spending time together.

We did go out for a walk together so I could get some steps in.
We talked and sang and practiced saying names while we walked.

I think she might be a nail biter, she's starting young.

We played outside for a bit, it was a lovely day out there.
Miss H only had a 3 hour shift and it just flew right by.
She dropped me back at work and I stayed and worked late to make up for the couple hours I'd missed.
I stayed until almost 7:30 and My Honey just picked me up on his way home from work.

Neither of us felt much like cooking so we stopped at Subway and got subs for supper.

I saw this on Facebook.
Someone built a bar around an above ground pool and I think it looks awesome.
I am most definitely going to have a pool one day.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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