Wednesday 15 July 2020

Got My Ring Off! (July 14, 2020)

The sun was shining so I got out there and got my walk in.

I bought this top about 2 years ago without trying it on and it never fit me up until today.
I even just took the price tags off so I could wear it.
Feeling so good.

Then this happened at my desk.
I haven't had it off my finger in years.

I was so thrilled that I made it my WW Connect Daily reason why right then and there.

I even made getting it off my Daily Reason Why back on Day 7 and 7 weeks later, BOOM!

My Honey was home making pork sausages today.

He made a pile of them and he added lentils this time just so they would have protein and fibre.
They are soooo tasty - I just love them.
I had one for break this morning.

Then I had another when I went home for lunch along with some leftover shrimp and potatoes.

This cute little cow is making it's rounds on the lawns in town.
I've noticed it several times on my walks and I think it's so cute.

I had a massage booked for today - first time in months and I was so looking forward to it.
They did some painting and decorating in the room and I think it looks so good.

My Honey meanwhile was watching Baby F.
She just loves getting in this crate and sitting there.

When I got home, she was watching some Little Baby Bum.

She asked for the 'boon' game - I think she's hooked.

I snuck a selfie with her while she wasn't looking.

She found this blow up pool in the basement the other day and dragged it up the stairs.
I had it hanging on the rail to put away but she wanted me to blow it up.
So I did.

She & Papa pretended to have a nap in it.

Another first - a somersault.

Not sure where she picked that up from?
She's fearless though, she just went all in and did it.

She's just about a pro!

She's always so pleasant.

This is how they sat and watched tv for a bit.

She's pretty relaxed......

and Happy!

Time for supper.
She likes to buckle herself into her chair.
We looked over and she had her feet up - relaxing again.

My Honey had cooked pizza for supper so when my son and Miss H came to pick up Baby F, they stayed for supper and had some.
I had a couple slices for supper myself.
It was really good.
Used up the rest of my points to have it though so no snacks for me tonight!

I love this picture of them.
She just always wants to be with him!

It was close to 9:30 when they left so I watched the new episode of Counting On then we headed to bed.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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