Tuesday 14 July 2020

Good Weigh In, Bad Weather (July 13, 2020)

Weigh In Day.

I was a bit worried because of Saturday that my weight loss wouldn't be good this week.
So close to seeing the 230's, next time.

I ended up being down 2 lbs this week which I thought was great.
I'm moving steadily along and it feels awesome.

I don't have a full length mirror at home so I took these in the bathroom at work this morning.
I still have a ways to go but I'm feeling good.

This pink t-shirt hasn't fit me for years and now it fits no problem.

My Honey had an eye exam appointment in Barrhead today so I had to run the truck home to him.
This oldie was playing on the way, it's a fun song.

I ended up staying at the office through lunch hour so I went for a nice long walk to the second turn in to town.

My Honey went shopping while he was waiting for his glasses to be ready.
He spoils Baby F just as much as I do.

He found these cute little hand towels.

He found a ripe wild strawberry - it's a pretty good size for a wild one.

He snapped a shot of the canola in bloom on his way home.
It's so pretty seeing the fields of yellow.

Around 3 pm, he biked down and met me at the office and we went for a walk to the road.
It was nice when we started then when we got to the end of the road, this rain/wind storm came out of nowhere.
He hopped on his bike and headed home and I got absolutely soaked walking back to the office.
It was super cold too.

I got my heater going in my office and put it right up close to me so I could get my clothes dry.

Then after I got back to the office, the sun came out just as quickly.
It kind of continued like that into the evening, sun then clouds, wind & rain.
You'd think it was clearing up then it would be like storm central again.

My Honey had supper ready when I got home.

I still had a chill from earlier so I hopped in the tub for a soak and did a bit of reading.

It did clear up somewhat around 9 so My Honey and I headed out for a short walk.
It was a bit on the chilly side but at least it wasn't raining.

When we got back, we found Paddington laying on the couch like this.
He just finds the strangest ways to lay down.

We watched some 90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk then when I got up to head to bed, I noticed these two little eyes peaking out at me from under the love seat.

Ha ha - what a goofball.

He kept his eyes on me while I walked down the hall.
He really brings so much joy to us - so thankful that we have him.

My WW Connect Daily Reason Why - One of the reasons I think WW works for me is that I can work things like this into the plan and it's not 'cheating'.
I don't do it all the time but being able to do it now and then is important to the program being successful for me.

Why did I just see this today?
We could have checked it out on the weekend.
Next time we are in the city I am going to make a point of checking it out.

My new fitbit doesn't track stairs 😞

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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