Thursday 16 July 2020

New Fitbit and Edmonton Valley Zoo (July 12, 2020)

First thing I did this morning when I got up was text my son to remind him to pick up my fitbit charger.
He said he'd stopped by our place but the door was locked so he couldn't get in and they were already on their way.
So I decided to stop at Best Buy to see if I could find a charger there.
No luck.
So guess what I did.....

I bought a new fitbit.
It's a downgrade for me, but it was on sale and the charge isn't lasting long at all on my mine anymore so I was going to be replacing it soon anyway.

We went for breakfast at Ihop and had an egg white omelet.
There was a receptacle at the table so I charged my fitbit while we ate.

We didn't have time for much else as we were meeting at the Zoo for 1 pm so we just headed over there.

Edmonton Valley Zoo.
I've lived here for 13 years almost and have never been there - don't think I was even really aware that it was there.
We got there early and while we were sitting in the vehicle waiting, the skies just opened up and it began raining.
It even hailed a little.
Right before 1 though when we were supposed to meet, the rain stopped and the sky came back out.

We met everyone at the gates and headed on in.

A lot of the animals must have found cover from the rain and were still under cover because the first few cages we went by, we didn't see anything.

Finally we glimpsed a monkey.

Then an owl.

They brought a stroller for Baby F but she didn't want to sit in it, she wanted to walk.

Another monkey.

The lemur just finished doing his business into the water.
For some reason, we were treated to lots of pooping and peeing by the animals today.

Miss Z looking for the red panda.
Turns out he was up in the trees above us sleeping.

Another lemur.

There was a whole petting zoo but due to Covid-19, there was no petting allowed but we did walk through and look at the animals.

I love the chicken house.

Baby F noticed the udders on the cow right away and she knew that's where the milk came from.

Some scraggly looking peacocks.
I think they were peacocks anyway.

Baby F wanted to be in her mom's arms all day.
We'd all try to take turns carrying her to give mom a break but she only wanted mom today.

Awww, goats.

An odd looking lamb.

Some little piggies having a nap.

A bunny.

Noticed these goats climbing all over the petting zoo building.

There were some geese just wandering about the grounds.

There were even wolves.
Such pretty animals.

A tiger.
He was kind of pacing and went right by where we were standing so we got a better look but I didn't get a picture.

Sunflowers are so pretty.

There was a whole field of them.

Still wants to stay with mom, even Papa couldn't sway her mind.
She wasn't being fussy, she was just very determined and sure of what she wanted.

A wallaby.

Creepy white frog that we mistook for a rock at first.


I don't even know what kind of animal this was.
He was cute though, just chilling out there on his perch.

Some of our crew.

Miss H's family actually came up with the plan to go originally and My Honey and I just tagged along.

Bald eagles are so majestic looking.

I thought this owl was so cute.

There was a snowy owl.

Another pretty owl.

They had this cool elephant art.
I'm not quite sure what it was made out of.

They do have an elephant at the zoo, Lucy.
It's a very controversial subject, there are lots of folks calling for her to be released.
We didn't really get to see her because she was inside the building when we went by.


A camel.

We'd been walking for over an hour so we stopped for a break and a snack.

We tried to keep our distance socially from other groups but Baby F just wanted to visit.

Having her arm in a sling hasn't slowed her down any.

She did notice the empty stroller though and hopped right in.

Ice Cream!!!

Trying to lick daddy like a puppy.

She thinks it's so funny.

Finished off with the sea lions and seals.

Just running off some energy.

Finally let daddy hold her for a bit because she could go on his shoulders.

Then it was time to head out.

I think we all had a good time.

I like these cut outs they had throughout the zoo.

Miss Z and her mom.

While some of us were checking out the gift shop, Baby F was doing some wall walking.

After the zoo, we met at the Olive Garden for some supper.

Due to Covid and us being such a big group, they sat us at two different tables.
We sat with my son and Baby F.

Miss Z came over to join us though.

We did silly face selfies.

Baby F was starting to look tired.
Olive Garden didn't really have any 'healthy' options on their menu so I just had the garden salad.

Miss H's mom, CP, took this adorable shot of Baby F.

After supper, all the others headed home and My Honey and I made a stop to get some groceries.
Then we hit the road for home too.

We had a nice time, it's nice to get out and do things again.

I want to look at myself with this much love!

I'm not sure if these numbers are correct because it's the exact same amount of steps as yesterday?
I do know however that I did get my 10,000 steps in so I"m good either way.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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