Tuesday 14 July 2020

Semi-Sunshine Will Do (July 9, 2020)

Woke up to semi-sunshine, it's about time!

I had to take advantage of it right away so I went for a walk this morning first chance I got.
It's good I went too because it wasn't long before the rain was back.

It kind of rained on and off all day long.
I was busy running reports so I ended up working late today.
We had already decided that we were going to stick around tomorrow so we could watch Baby F as both my son and Miss H had to work so it didn't matter.

The sun had come back out so when I got home, My Honey and I got started on putting mom's swing together.
Today is her birthday after all.
We almost got the whole thing done before another big squall came rolling through.
We had to scramble to put things away because it looked like it was going to be a bad one.

We had some supper while it rained.
Leftovers from last night - the ham was so good.

I told my son and his family to drop by for some leftover too because we had so much.

Baby F wanted to play the 'boon' game again so she & her Mommy played it together.

Snuggling up to Papa.

She started this yesterday - going inside the cat's tunnel to play.

Playing Peek-a-boo with Nanny.


Just playing around - she was being silly.

Tickle, Tickle, Tickle.

Getting ready to head home.

Paddington figured this was a good place to hide even though he only had his head in there.
I don't think he realized that we could still see the rest of him.

I've been wanting to see Hamilton on Broadway but tickets are scarce and i think the cheapest I've found them was $600 US a ticket.
That was WAY too high for me.
So when I saw that Disney+ was going to be streaming it I was excited.
There's been so much hype around it that My Honey was afraid it might be disappointing.
It turned out that it was very good, especially the first half, it was excellent.
We see now why it's so popular.

My WW Connect Daily Reason Why for today. 

More Facebook memories to share.
These were from Mom's birthday 3 years ago.

Mr H was so tiny still and mom looks so different - this was before she decided to let her hair go greay.

My niece, Miss M and Mr T.
She has lost so much weight since this picture, she looks awesome.

Miss A and Uncle R.
Miss A has grown up so much since this - amazing how much difference a few years makes.

My boy.

Mr brother A and Mr H.

Those curls!

He was so stuck to My Honey back then - still is.

Mom and I.

July 9, 2016.
We saw The Color Purple for our last show in NYC that trip.
It was really good.
They changed up the ending from how the movie ended but I really liked it.

This was July 9, 2015.
We went to Coney Island for the day.

My Honey wanted to go to this pizza place there, Totonno's.

He'd been wanting to go for a few years so he was happy to finally be there.
He's seen it featured on a few shows and it had peaked his interest.

Pizza was starting to grow on me on this point - I always liked pizza but maybe not as much as My Honey.
We've had some really good pizza though and I'm growing to love it as much as he does.
It was really good pizza too.

This was from later that same day.
Back in Manhattan we went to this restaurant called Cowgirls.
This was the dessert.
It was made to look like a baked potato but it was really ice cream in cocoa with whipped cream, hot fudge, nuts and icing as the pat of butter on top.
It looked exactly like a baked potato but then when you ate it, it was ice cream.
Kind of played with your mind a bit but in a good way.

I finally found a purse that would fit all of my stuff, ha ha!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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