Monday 20 July 2020

Truck Woes (July 17, 2020)

I got up this morning and had a coffee then headed out for a nice long walk.

My Honey had stopped by the auto place last night on his way home and turns out the truck needs some brake work done.
They can't get the parts in until today at noon and I'd mentioned I wanted to go to WCT today so My Honey brought me home the truck key.
I decided it could wait though so I walked back down to drop the key off so they could get the work done on the truck.
Mother Nature couldn't decide what kind of a day she wanted to give us, as per the norm here lately.
It was chilly then it warmed up then it was kind of raining, it was all over the place.

I stopped by my son's for a visit.
Baby F wasn't feeling very well today.

She was disappointed when I came in and Papa wasn't with me so I called him.
I found the filters again and she was hamming it up.

I had to give it a try myself.

She makes a pretty cool dude!

Louie was thrilled to be getting some cuddles.

Selfie with my boy and his baby.

She started saying her own name.

What a winker!

Poor dear just wasn't herself.

She would be active in spurts then it was back to snuggling up to her daddy.
I visited for a bit but then headed back home so she could go down for a nap.

I did call later and asked my son to take me to Subway so I could get subs for supper since I didn't have any wheels.

I love how she was standing there with her hand in her pocket.

I get the rotisserie chicken and I really like it.
I love all the veggies.
I always get extra onions because I love them.

They came over to visit for a little bit and have supper with us.

This is a new face.

Boy, she just loves those glasses.

Selfie time!

She was sharing her marshmallows with My Honey when he got home.

She was shoving them in faster than he could eat them which cracked her up.

It was a good opportunity to teach her colors.

I was trying different settings out on my phone.

All gone.

Miss H was working at the golf course so they stayed over visiting until she got home.

It turned nice for a bit so My Honey went out for a bit of a walk afterwards.

My Honey heard back about the vehicle and turns out that it needs the timing belt changed out and it's a big job so not sure when we are going to get the truck back.
We are going to BC next week so we may end up having to rent a vehicle.

We have been discussing getting another vehicle for a few months now but haven't really decided on anything.
So we spent the evening looking at used cars and I found a few that peaked my interest.

My WW Connect Daily Reason Why.
Getting steps in has become a habit which is great.

I did really great today, got over 20,000 steps today.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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