Thursday 16 July 2020

Edmonton River Valley (July 11, 2020)

We woke up to sunshine which makes me so happy.
We headed into the city around 10 so when we got there, we were ready for lunch.

We went to Opa and got chicken & Shrimp skewers and a greek salad.
It was really good.

We ate it outside on the tailgate of the truck - we didn't want to miss out on a minute of the nice weather.
While we were eating, BN & his sister drove by so they stopped to chat with us for a bit.

After we ate, we went to the dollar store.
I wanted to pick up a few things for our trip to the cottage that's coming up.
It snowballed pretty fast though and I think my bill was $125, at the dollar store!!!

I noticed my fitbit battery charge was getting low and I hadn't brought my charger with me so I started worrying that I wouldn't be able to get my 10,000 steps in tomorrow.
I don't want to mess up on my goal just because of a dead battery.
My son is coming in tomorrow and we are meeting at the zoo so I called and asked him to stop at my place and pick up my charger to bring with him.

After that, we decided to head down to the Edmonton River Valley and maybe try out a segway or a scooter.
We parked at Victoria Park and walked around the park which didn't take long.

So then we went out and walked along the river.
The water looks dirty because of all the run off.

It's really high too because we've been getting a lot of rain.

It was such a lovely day though.

We had no idea where we were going but we just kept walking and walking.and ended up in another park.

Kind of a nice view looking back at the city.

Lots of people were out picnic-ing with their families.
There were lots of bike riders out too.

We came upon a trail leading up into the woods so we followed it to see where it would lead.

There were wild roses in bloom every where in there.

We met lots of runners and bikers on the trail.

Someone left this little one just sitting on the fence.

The trail led us into a residential area and the homes there were beautiful.
We walked around and looked at them.

I love when the trees cover over the street like this - it's so pretty.

We headed back and My Honey with his great eye caught these penguins painted by the side of the road.
We didn't end up trying either a scooter or a segway.
I still want to but maybe another time.
We had a super long walk though and it was really nice but now we were hungry.
We decided we wanted to splurge a bit and have a good meal and what we both really wanted was ramen.

Since we were downtown already, we decided to try a new place and found this one, Misoya, so we gave it a go.

They didn't have the dried garlic I like to add to my ramen but it was still really good.
The WW app says a bowl of tonkatsu ramen is 26 points and I only get 35 a day so this pretty much used it up but it was worth it.
I wouldn't do it everyday but I think having a treat every now and then is perfectly fine and probably necessary to help me stay on track better.

They had miso ice cream with strawberries and yuzu which I love so I had to try it.
I couldn't detect the miso flavor but the yuzu was good.
My Honey & I shared but it was still 7 points for the ice cream alone.
So needless to say I went over my points total for the day but I had lots of weeklies so it was ok.

I plan on having ice cream when we go on our cottage vacation to BC - this was an eye opener for me, I knew ice cream was high but I didn't know how high.
I'm still having it though.
Hard ice cream in the summer time is one of my favorite things.

After we had supper, we hit Walmart up.
I was searching for a new charger for my fitbit but I had no luck.
My Fitbit gave out around 11pm - I sure hope my son remembers to bring the charger or else I'll be going for a very long walk when we get home tomorrow night.

We stayed in a hotel for the first time since this whole Covid-19 thing got started.

More Facebook Memories of trips to NYC.

This was July 11, 2015.
It was our last day there for that trip and we were walking around Manhattan and came across this art display.
It was pretty cool.
The kissing couple.

The Norman Rockwell couple.

Even Marilyn Monroe.
My Honey thought it would be his opportunity to check out what was going on under that iconic skirt.
Spoiler alert - nothing!

We went up into the new trade tower that day.
What views!

This is looking down at one of the reflection pools which is where one of the old towers used to stand.

My Honey and I.

Standing at the bottom of the tower looking up.

We came across a collection of Minion art that day too.
This was my favorite, 'Minion Lisa'.

Then we saw On the 20th Century that night.
It was starring Kristin Chenowith and I was so happy that we got a chance to see her perform live, I think she's so great.
She did not disappoint either.

Well that's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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