Monday 6 July 2020

Summer Clothes (July 3, 2020)

Finally, a gorgeous day!

Mom and I got up early and hit the road for Edmonton.
I took her in to do some shopping for clothes.
She left a lot of her summer stuff in PEI because she thought she'd be spending summers there.
Due to Covid-19, she wasn't able to go this summer so now she has no summer stuff.

She got a bunch of capris at Reitman's.
I got myself a pair as well and they are so comfortable, I love them.
I was so happy too because I fit into the XL.
Normally I would be looking for the XXL, 2XL or whatever, they even had the color I wanted in a 3XL which would have thrilled me just 2 months ago but now I didn't need it.
Big Non Scale Victory for sure.

We drove by Costco on 149th but there was a huge line up so we headed on to Sherwood Park.
We had to pick up a china cabinet for Miss H out that way so we thought we'd go to the Costco there.
Good choice as there was no line up and also, they had the swing that mom's been wanting, they actually had 5 of them.

I got help loading it into the truck then we drove out to pick up the china cabinet.
It was 10 minutes outside of Sherwood Park in a town called Ardrossan.
I never even knew it existed but it's a pretty little place.

The lady there helped me load the cabinet on and this is how I had to drive home.
There were so many potholes it was like going through an obstacle course.
I was so nervous that the swing was going to fall out but we made it home safely.

When we got back to town, our first stop was to drop the china cabinet off at my son's so I got to see Baby F.
They had been out enjoying the nice day.

They were just heading in for supper though when we got there.
Mom had a hot dog with them and then we headed home.
My brother came by later to help unload the swing.
That will be a project to get together.

I just had leftovers for supper tonight.

Getting in and out of the back of the truck is not easy.
The lady I picked the cabinet up from was hopping in and out of there like it was nothing.
I want that to be me!

My Honey and I went for a bike ride tonight after we ate.

My Honey and I just watched vlogs tonight and had our regular popcorn treat.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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