Tuesday 21 July 2020

Another Weekend Come and Gone (July 19, 2020)

I wanted to sleep in this morning but I woke up early again and couldn't go back to sleep.
So I just got up, made myself a coffee and looked for something to watch.

Meanwhile My Honey was at work preparing the Sunday bbq.
He made Magnolia Bakery style Banana Pudding.

Doesn't it look delicious?

I couldn't find anything that I felt like watching so I just started reading the next Harry Potter book, I finished up the last one I was reading Friday morning.

I read for an hour then I headed out for a walk.

Came across a field full of daisies in town, they are so beautiful.

I walked for an hour and fifteen minutes.
I felt great when I got home but I was hungry.

I cut up some fruit and made myself an omelet for brunch.

My niece posted this nice picture of her little family on their road trip this weekend.
Looks like they are enjoying themselves.

I pretty much spent the day doing laundry and watching When Calls The Heart.
I broke down and signed up for the Super Channel just so I could watch it.
Now I have 3 seasons to catch up on.

I also had a nice. long bath and did some more reading.
It was very relaxing and enjoyable.

Later in the day, my son asked if he could bring Baby F over to me to watch for a bit.
Of course I said absolutely.

I'll spend all the time with her that I can.

She wanted to play the bug crushing game.

She's  so serious when she plays.

Papa got home and we had supper.
She loves any excuse to get up on to the table.

Papa did convince her to eat some though.
We had tuna sandwiches and vegetable soup and she's a big soup fan.

Love it when he gets her giggling.

What a great laugh!

My son dropped by to pick Baby F up but we said we'd walk her down in the stroller.

We got ready to go and just has we headed outdoors, we were treated to a gorgeous rainbow.

I wish I could have gotten a picture without those power lines in the way but it still looks pretty nice.

Ever the little entertainer, she got out her ppe when we got her home.

The looks in this kids repertoire are hilarious.

Ha ha - such a little goof!

They watched some Little Baby Bum videos together.

She was very enthralled.

We got ready to go but she wasn't giving up the phone, ha ha.

Today's WW Connect Daily Reason Why.
Not that I want to become a nudist or anything but I wouldn't mind being more comfortable and proud in my own skin.

I've done this before, maybe not this many tries but a few anyway.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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