Monday 13 July 2020

Mom's Birthday Dinner and A Day in Philadelphia (July 8, 2020)

Here's how Wednesday went.

We are having everyone over to celebrate mom's birthday tonight so My Honey got busy first thing this morning and baked carrot cake.
Her birthday is actually tomorrow night but we were thinking we might head out to GP for the weekend.

My Honey made us an omelet for lunch and I had some left over roasted veggies to go along with it.

It was pouring this morning but this afternoon it died down to a sort of misty sprinkle so I got my raincoat on and headed out for a walk anyway.
It was nice and warm and it felt good.

My Honey got the cake all iced up.
Carrot Cake is my very favorite.
My Mom used to make me one every year for my birthday and I would bring it to the office to share with the girls here.

I still had some steps to get and I knew I likely wouldn't be getting out for a walk tonight since everyone was coming over so when I got home from work I ran down and jumped on the treadmill.
I hadn't been on it for awhile.
I can definitely feel an improvement in my endurance and I kept bumping up the speed by .1 each minute.

I got the rest of my steps in for the day and got my heart rate up and my blood pumping.
Does the body good!

My Honey had cooked up a ham, broccoli and scalloped potatoes but this guy just wanted ham.

Baby F was totally into the meal though - she ate it all.
My son got his hair cut (Miss H did it) and I think it looks really good.

Miss Z cam over too - she didn't want any of what My Honey had made so she ended up having a hot dog.
She ate the whole thing so I consider that a win.

Still working on the ham.

She took a liking to Kermit the other day now it seems she's moved on to Miss Piggy.

I thought I was going to have to let Miss Piggy go home with her too - she didn't look like she was going to give her up.

The birthday girl herself and my brother R.
I have a knack for taking pictures of folks when they are eating.

My Honey and Miss M.
Mr T came over too but I missed getting a picture of him somehow.
My Honey was down 4.4 lbs this morning.
He's doing so well on WW.
He's just about at goal and then will be moving to maintenance.
He says he's still going to track though and follow the plan which so helpful for me - I have done so much better with it having him do it along with me.

My brother A and my boy.
Miss A is visiting with her Grandma in Vancouver and Miss M had a few appointments to do nails so neither of them were able to make dinner tonight.
We did send home leftovers and a piece of cake for her though.

Birthday cake time!

We sang Happy Birthday of course.

Then the kids helped to blow out the candles.

Baby F tried to help too but the candles were all blown out when she got there.
So she helped take them out of the cake instead.

Up in My Honey's arms where she loves to be.

I doled out the cake.

This was my slice.
This is tipped over so you can't see but it's just a thin slice.
I estimated it to be about a third of a regular slice.
I was shocked to see that a slice of carrot cake showed up as 28 points on WW - wowzers.
So I called this slice of mine 9 points.
It was worth every delicious, high point bite!

Oh, I did get photo of Mr T after all, he was playing with the kiddos.

She asked to play 'boons' so I got it for her.
It's just a game on my tablet where balloons pop by and you touch them and pop them.
Perfect for a toddler.

After everyone left, the sprinkly rain had stopped so My Honey and I went out for a walk.
It was a nice evening for it.

Paddington was waiting for us by the bed when we got back.

What a little cuddle bug he is.

My WW Connect Daily Reason Why.
I'm already finding a difference and it hasn't even been three months, imagine how I'm going to feel in a year!

More Facebook memories popped up that I thought I would share.
These were from July 8, 2015.
We took a train trip to Philadelphia that day from NYC.

The first place we headed when we got of the train was to Tommy Dinic's at Redding Market.

My Honey had heard about their legendary sandwich, the roast pork with broccoli rabe so we had to go try it.
It was a good sandwich but I don't know about legendary.

Then we took the Hop On / Hop Off Trolley Tour of the city.
The line up to see the Liberty Bell wasn't that bad when we got to that stop so we hopped off there so we could go see it.

Apparently the line up can get humongous at times so we were really lucky.
We didn't have to wait that long at all to see it.
It was really cool to see such an iconic piece of American History.

From there we walked over and tried out our first Philly Cheesesteak of the day at Sonny's.
We tried two other spots after this one.
It was pretty good.

We hopped back on the trolley at got off at the Rocky statue next.
The fictional character Rocky Balboa was from Philadelphia, plus it was filmed in the city and they've embraced him whole heartedly which I think is awesome.

My Honey with Rocky.

My Honey running up the famous Rocky steps that he trains on in the movie.

He made it to the top.

I made it to the top too but full disclosure, I must admit, I DID NOT run up those stairs.
I was done out from just walking up them.

While we were trying philly cheesesteaks from two of the most famous spots in Philadelphia, Gino's and Pat's, we saw this kind of urban garden and the worked there was dressed like this.
Not sure if it was a joke or serious?
Incidentally, both Gino's and Pat's were disappointing, our favorite cheesesteak of the day was the first one we had at Sonny's.

We tried canolli's while we were there.
The shells were ready to go then they filled them to order.
Canolli's are an NYC thing but this one I'm eating here was the best I've every had.
I'm not sure how glowing of a recommendation that is as I don't exactly eat cannoli's that often.
I would say though that fresh filled is better than one's that are sitting there already filled.
Just my opinion.

We did a lot of walking that day and it was a scorcher so we stopped at this place just to have a drink.
I had a Hank's RootBeer and it was perfect.

We made our way to a pizza place called Slice that My Honey had heard of and ordered a pizza.
We did a lot of eating that day too.
It was great pizza.

Then we made our way back to where the train station was.
We had some time to spare so sat and watched this family cooling off in the fountain.

I don't blame them, I wanted to jump in myself it was so hot.

This little fellow was just having a grand time.

It is the city of brotherly love so we had to get our picture in front of the LOVE sign.
We were trying to take a selfie then this guy offered to take the picture for us.
Normally we would decline but for some reason we let him.

He even got us to kiss so he could take another then he informed us that we owed him 5 bucks for doing it.
We were surprised but just gave it to him.
It is the city of brotherly love after all and I appreciate these pictures so it was worth it.

Well, that's about all for today, until next time, be happy!

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