Monday 6 July 2020

Extra Short Work Week (July 2, 2020)

So back to work for me today.
Yesterday was a day off and so is tomorrow so it's a pretty short week.
Only JRA and I in the office for the day today so very quiet.

My grey is all gone thanks to Miss H who put the dye in for me.
It's a darker color than what I was expecting but I like it.
I haven't 'done' my hair yet, just washed it and threw it in a ponytail but I'm sure it will look good.

It was drizzly out but I put my raincoat on and went out for a walk anyway.

This just doesn't look like a summer sky at all.

I decided to check my body fat percentage so I would have a 'starting' point.
I am determined to make this number better!

I found a recipe for tuna casserole on WW so I decided to make it for supper.

8 points per serving but I had lots of points left so I was able to have 2 servings.
It was really good.

When My Honey got home, we hopped on our bikes and went for a ride.
Of course we stopped in to see Baby F.

I used my son's phone to take a few pictures because I didn't have mine with me and she was really not impressed with me using her daddy's phone.
She took it from me and took this selfie.

My son was busy pulling hair through a cap for Miss H so she could put streaks in her hair.

Baby F was so upset when we were leaving that My Honey had to distract her the only way he could think of.

Brushing her teeth!

She loves putting water on the toothbrush then just slurping it off.

So they did that over and over.

She tried to brush My Honey's for him too, ha ha.

When I was sending myself the pictures from my son's phone, I came across this one of Baby F at the park last week so I sent that to myself too.

When we got home, I had my usual snack, an assortment of popcorn flavors.
We watched some Food Insider and one of the vlogs we watched was on the best pizza in NYC.
It had me missing New York so much.

Then some Facebook memories popped up and that doesn't help.
Hopefully we will get to visit there before the year is over.

I thought I would share the Facebook memories anyway. 

This was from our 2014 trip to NYC - we took in a Yankee's game.

It was so hot that day, we had no shade where we were sitting and we felt like we were melting in the stands.

This was from our trip to NYC just last year, 2019.
We went and saw Frozen.
It reminded me of how small those theater seats really are.

So I made that my WW Connect Daily Reason Why.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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