Wednesday 21 March 2018

Sunshine Memories (Mar.6, 2018)

It is so nice to go to work in the light instead of the dark.

This is one of the new shirts I just got.
My Honey thought it was a pajama top, ha ha.
It is so soft and comfortable, just like pj's so he wasn't very far off.

Two of the girls from the office were off to a First Aid course for training today so it was a quiet day at the office.

I ordered in Subway subs for the guys today as they were having a lunch time meeting and there were leftovers so I didn't bother going home for lunch.
I just stayed and worked and had a sub.

It was busy all day, I even stayed a little late to finish up what I was doing.

I did do some research this afternoon on what broadway shows are playing currently so we can get an idea of what we would like to see when we go there next month.

Bernadette Peters just took over the starring role in Hello Dolly so I think we are going to try to see that one for sure.

By the time I got home I didn't feel like cooking and thankfully there was still left over hamburger soup/chili so that is what I had for supper.

I am not sure why, but by 6:30 pm I was ready for bed.
I forced myself to stay awake (not sure why) and I watched the new episode of Counting On.

They were having a big family water fun day and it looked like everyone was enjoying themselves.

Mom went off to Bible Study and I basically sat around waiting for My Honey to get home.
I just wanted to see him before heading to bed.

He is on days off now so I'll be seeing a little more of him for the next few days - Yay!
Some memories popped up on Facebook that I wanted to share.

That time we went on a Caribbean Cruise and spent a few days in Fort Lauderdale first.
I think it was either 2015 or 2016.
The years are starting to run together for this old gal, ha ha!

We had to check out the beach first thing.

In my happy place.
Sand between our toes, such a great feeling.

Got funky colored nails for the trip (isn't this ring awesome?)

They turn blue or white depending on the temperature.
I just loved them.
Got all spiffied up to go out for supper.

Just sitting at a restaurant having some supper next to the beach.

The place we stayed at had a darling courtyard with a pool.
We made sure to make use of it.

When you are next to the sea, you eat seafood.
Oysters on the half shell, one of our faves.
I had a seafood salad - there were all kinds of goodies in it.

My Honey tried the stone crab which you can only get in this part of the world.
It was good but the price was steep, not sure if it was that good.

We were sitting in the patio section (because when you can you most definitely do), and there were tons of pelicans around.
Provided us with lots of entertainment.
Fitbit totals for today.

By 9 I really couldn't keep my eyes open any longer so I hit the hay.
That is all for today.
Until next time, be happy!


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