Monday 19 March 2018

Miami Trip, Day Six (Feb.26, 2017)

Looked out our balcony this morning to see this hot air balloon off in the distance.

Took one more last glance at the view from our balcony before checking out.

I had to take a few more pictures of the lobby before we left because it was just so grand.

There are even trees growing inside here.
 You know me, super big tree fan.
The elevators are glass on one side so you can see the whole lobby while you are in the elevator.
This is just a random woman I took a picture of but it was just to show how clearly you could see through those elevators.
This is inside the lobby, isn't it beautiful?

There were all kinds of nice little seating areas and you may have noticed in a few of the pictures already,
they had a really colorful welcoming committee of one in the lobby too!

We checked out and hit the road to find a place for breakfast.

Orange World looked interesting but we didn't go in there.

One of my fellow curlers (KS) always raves about the Cracker Barrel so we figured it was as good a place as any to try.
I had eggs, bacon and blackberry biscuits.

My Honey had eggs, bacon, cheesy hash browns and

biscuits and gravy.
Our waiter was an older gentlemen, very friendly and talkative.
I ended up buying myself a top in the attached store.
I saw it while we were waiting for a table, thought about it all through breakfast then decided I would treat myself.

Then we were on the road.
Because we were going directly to Miami today we skipped the back roads and took the toll highway.
The drive was going to be about 4 hours this way and we figured that was long enough.

We passed this same spot on the way to Orlando.
The sky was just covered in birds, must be a waste facility or something near by.
The drive on the toll highways ended up being much more interesting than we thought it would be so that was good.
I don't quite understand the toll booths though.
The car rental place told us that we'd be billed on our credit card automatically so twice I just drove through then I noticed a sign warning of a $100.00 fine if you skip paying so figured I better go through and ask the toll clerk.
They ended up charging me, different amounts at each toll station and I still don't know if I was supposed to pay or not.
As long as I don't get fines showing up on my credit card, I guess I'll be ok with paying twice
When we got to Miami, we went to this little spot that was featured on a couple of YouTube videos that we watched.

My Honey wanted to try the Cuban style coffee that they rave about.
He said it wasn't much different, just sweeter maybe (he drinks it black normally).

He wanted another Cuban sandwich on the soft bread like he had our first night here.
This one was good, but not as good.

I had the chicken chicharron and it too wasn't as good as what I had the first night but it was close.
The first stuff I tried didn't have any bones which I liked better.

They had Tres Leches cake which of course I couldn't resist.
My Honey and I shared a piece and it was delicious!

We left there and went over for a drive by Miami Beach.
It kind of reminded me of Fort Lauderdale a bit which makes sense because it's not that much further up the coast.

There were tons of people walking around.
Looks like it would have been a nice place to hang out but we just didn't have time this trip.

I really wanted to see the art deco district.
We drove up Ocean Drive but it was getting dark.
I think we have already decided that we want to come back for another trip and check out some things that we missed.
We booked back in at the same hotel we stayed at when we first got here.
We dropped off our stuff then went for a walk.

There was all kinds more graffiti art to see.

Those giant eyes are just so realistic.

Better shot of this one, no stop sign in the way.

Audrey Hepburn

More sidewalk art.

This was cool.

Storm Trooper mannequin, now there's a good idea!

Dance like no one is watching - great advice!

Just stuff everywhere.

It's like a party for your eyes

Or overload depending on what you like.

Little surprises everywhere you look.

This looks like it was just done with a stencil.

We saw so much more stuff just on our little walk around.

How did we miss it all the first time round?

Guess there was just so much to look at that missing a few things is inevitable.

In fact, I think if we were to walk around again, we would find even more things we'd never seen prior.

I think it is just wonderful how this area has embraced this art form.

Ha ha, cute.

Just wow - can't believe someone painted this on here.
Such amazing talent.


This giant whale looked awesome.

While I don't like normal skulls, I do enjoy the sugar skulls.

We were looking around for a place for supper.
Found this place that looked good.
You had to walk through this corridor covered in vines and plants and light.
I loved it.

It was a huge place once you got in there.
It was indoors but it felt really open to the outdoors too.

It had a big deli section too.

Ready for some supper.

Making the most of our last night here.
We ordered their version of Chicarron, it was delicious!

My Honey had the sausage.

I had a burger with a Caesar salad

The burger was cooked to perfection.
We picked a great spot - my big smile proves it.
The had a passionfruit desert so we ordered one for take out.
We were too full to eat anymore at that point.

A few more things we saw on the way back to the hotel.

Some artist is into these octopus people.

Too bad this artwork got painted over, what a shame.
One last balcony shot.
We sat out there and enjoyed our last evening in Miami.
Going to miss this lovely weather so much.
This was the passionfruit desert we brought home from the restaurant.
It had too much other flavors that over powered the passionfruit and it was kind of gritty so we didn't like it at all.

Thankfully we'd had the foresight when we first got in this evening to stop at Fireman Derek's to get a few treats for later.
This is just a sprinkle filled sugar cookie and it was super good.

Coconut cream pie - also a hit.
This was a rhubarb pie - another winner.

We had to try one of their empanadas too and it was good, but not blow your socks off good.

We got a room at the same place we'd stayed at the beginning of our trip only we got the room right next door this time.
It had the same kind of decor, modern (a nicer table and chairs) but no rockers on the balcony.
It was fine, there was some hair on the bathroom floor which grossed me out but I cleaned it up then felt better about it.
It's been a wonderful trip, I kind of can't believe it's over already, wish we had more time.
We really enjoyed Miami and feel like we only just got to brush the surface of all the things there are to experience here so I am certain that we will be back sometime in the future.
We have New York to look forward to in April so that will keep me going for now.
Lots of driving again today so my total step count took a hit there.
That is all for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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