Tuesday 20 March 2018

Happy Birthday E & N!!!(Mar.3, 2018)

No sleeping in for this chick this morning.

The kitty got in bed to cuddle with me a little and I popped my thumb out of the covers.
Guess Paddington thought it was a mouse or something because he chomped right down on it.
Bit right through my nail and even drew blood.
It really hurt too!

The girls and I were off to the city for one of our birthday dinner and movie trips and they were picking me up promptly at 8 am so we could get on the road.

BH and SV navigating through the snow.

NC/T and I in the back seat getting nice and cozy.
The heat was on high and we were loving it!

There was a winter storm advisory in effect yesterday and it was snowing and blowing this morning but we hoped for the best and headed out anyway.

We figured if we took our time all would be good (and it was).

We headed to the city through Westlock way and stopped at Timmie's there for breakfast biscuits.
They were yummy.
I took over driving at that point as BH isn't crazy about driving in the city.
Having been a city girl for many years, it doesn't bother me in the least.

Our first stop once we hit St.Albert was Reitmans.
The birthday girl, NC/T wanted to get some new clothes.
I had no intentions of getting anything but they had a super sale on, 70% off the already reduced price so that was my kind of deal.

I ended up getting two pairs of capris for summer (at 3 bucks a pair), 3 tops and 2 necklaces all for 40 dollars.
What a great deal, I was thrilled.

Next we hit up Homesense where I ended up finding a new little friend and a comforter set.
I have been looking for a new one for a while now but haven't found one that I like so when I saw this one today, I just had to grab it.
Thankfully my dad had given me a gift card for Christmas and I had it on me so I used that to pick it up.

We stopped at the new Lowes in St Albert, NC/T needed some paint.
I had a look around at some tile that I might possibly want to use on the fireplace.

I love the look of this one.
It has a pattern on it too so it has a bit of texture.
Not sure if My Honey will go for this one.

I also loved this herringbone pattern.
I don't even mind the colors in it even though I was wanting the fireplace to be all white.

We also found an alternative choice for the "countertop".
It is half the price of the others that I was looking at so I'll show it to My Honey and see what he thinks.

I was also checking out the shutters too.
I think these would look so good in the living room but I am afraid of how much they will cost!

After that stop, we went to the movies.
Landmark Cinemas just opened a new theatre in St. Albert and this was the first time for all of to check it out.
It was awesome.
All the seats are recliners and they are so comfortable.
It will be my number one choice of movie theatre in the city from now on.

We saw Game Night and it was so funny.
We were all laughing out loud through the whole entire thing.
I have always been a fan of both Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams and they didn't disappoint.

We were considering heading home after the movie but then decided we could stand to do some more shopping.
We stopped at Costco and I picked up some clementines for My Honey and I got a new book for me.
It looks like it's going to be a good read.
I can never resist having a look at the book aisle while I am shopping there.

We hit up the mall in St Albert too.
I ended up finding some more great deals at Ricki's and got two tops and a bracelet for 25 bucks.
I had a pretty good shopping day today I dare say.

After that we were pretty shopped out and the snow was coming down pretty good so we drove the hour to Westlock where we stopped at Boston Pizza for supper.
There were about 8 vehicles off the road on the way out of St Albert waiting on tow trucks.
Luckily it didn't look like anything serious and nobody appeared to have been injured.
Made me feel good about our choice to get on the road though and head home earlier rather than later.

So many choices!

Just being silly.

I ordered the steak sandwich which was very much like a beef dip and I got a side greek salad with it.
It was a really delicious supper.
The sandwich came with a really tasty horseradish dipping sauce which made it even that much better.

NC/T got the brownie they usually love to get here for her birthday desert.
It wasn't really good though - I think if they'd heated it up that would have made a world of difference.

I ordered their apple crumble for desert and it was a hit.
We all shared it (except SV who was very good at following her diet today and did not cheat at all).

Then it was time to hit the road.

I drove cautiously on the way home, about 20 km under the posted speed limit so it made for a longer trip but we kept hitting slippery spots here and there so it was better to err on the side of caution in my opinion.

We made it home just after 10 and I was expecting My Honey to be in bed but he had waited up for me to make sure we made it home safely.

I brought him half of my sandwich home for a treat so he was able to enjoy that then shortly after we headed to bed.

He had to work in the morning and I was looking forward to sleeping in.

It was a good day - I love having a girls day in the city and seeing as my birthday is just around the corner, we have another outing to look forward to in the not too distant future.

I laid out all my goodies from today when I got home
These are the two necklaces I picked up - I think Paddington liked them.

My haul from Reitmans.

My Ricki's finds

And my new little friend from Homesense.
I totally love pink (always will) and I just fell in love at first sight.
She's very spring-y and that makes me happy.

And another shot of the comforter.
I am looking forward to a color change in our room and I think this will be perfect.
Happiest of Birthdays to this little cutie pie!
I did not have time to call my little nephew E who celebrated his birthday today and I felt bad about that.
I will be sure to give him a call tomorrow though as soon as I get up.

So close!!!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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