Thursday 22 March 2018

Chimichurri - Yum! (Mar.7, 2018)

It was even lighter when I left for work this morning.
Amazing how something so little can make me so happy.

My Honey got up and started the truck for me even though he is off today.
What a darling he is.

SG & BH are still off at First Aid Training today so another quiet day in the office.

I have been doing well staying on plan with weight watchers over the last couple of days.

I wrote myself a letter congratulating myself on reaching my weight loss goal and I keep thinking about it every time I find myself wanting to snack.

So far just thinking about it has helped me stay on track and if I have to I will take it out and read it.
I am going to carry it around with me in my purse just in case.

I still haven't had a chance to pick up groceries so lunch today was a can of tuna with onions, mayo and a couple slices of weight watchers bread.

As soon as I open the can of tuna the cats come running from where ever they are.
Guess they have good sniffers.
I won't share my white tuna with them though.
When we go to the city this weekend I will pick them up some regular tuna for a treat.

It was snowing again when I headed back to work after lunch.
We have so much and I am sooo ready for it to be gone.

I love living here but at the same time, I sometimes wonder why I don't move to a warmer climate that never sees snow.
My Honey thinks I would miss the snow but I am pretty certain that I would not.

I put in my supper order when I was home for lunch, steak and salad.
I would love to have chimichurri with it, My Honey is going to see what he can do.
The supply of fresh herbs is very limited at the store here in town.


I've been thinking about how delicious the flank steak we had in Miami was and I've been craving it.

This afternoon My Honey sent me a picture of a big bowl of chimichurri that he made.
It looked so good, I couldn't wait to get home to try it.

He also sent me this and said that the kitties were misbehaving and he had to put them in time out.
ha ha.

I ended up working a little late to finish up a few things as I will be out of the office tomorrow for some training.


When I got home supper was ready.
Just like promised, he made flank steak, chimichurri and

greek salad and it was the best!
The chimichurri he made was garlicy and fresh and bright.
OMG - I could drink the stuff.
After we ate, My Honey had to head to curling.
I was falling asleep on the couch waiting for him to get home (he ended up being late).
I should have went to bed but I waited for him.

I did hit the hay though as soon as he got home.
More Memories of our Fort Lauderdale trip in 2015 popped up today on Facebook.

This car was parked at the hotel we stayed at.
I thought it was funny, My Honey would have to fold himself up to fit in there.

We went to the mall and for some reason they had a giant rubber duckie there.
I feel like if you ever see a giant rubber duckie, you are required to get a picture with it.

We took a boat tour and we went by all these amazing homes.
I just love the color on this one.

Can't believe how big and huge they are.
These were only a couple, we saw tons of beautiful places.
Lucky ducks!
Fitbit totals were not so good.
That is all for today, until next time, he happy!


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