Tuesday 1 August 2023

My Girl is Back Home and Bedroom Reveal (July 31, 2023)

It's Monday and that means weigh in day.

You know it's been a good week when you are looking forward to weigh in.

I was hoping for 207 so you can imagine I was pretty stoked when I saw this.
206 lbs.
I'm making progress again finallly and it feels so great.

That's down 4.4 lbs since last week.
I'm so close to Onederland - Maybe I can get there by September!

It was nice out today, a little windy but that didn't stop me from getting out for a walk to the road and back this morning.

Then on my lunch hour I headed out for a run.
I wanted to do 5 but 6 seems to be about where I'm settling.
It feels good to be running again.
It's nice to head out just because I want to and for now, if I can at least run 5k for a run, I'm happy with that.
I don't want to bump it up too much and hurt myself of get super hungry - I feel like I'm in a good place with it right now.
I for sure will train to do another run in the future - likely a half marathon - but for now just running what feels good when I feel like it is working for me.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

Jason ordered car seat covers for the car and they came in today so after work I wrestled with those to get them on.
The hardest part were these round clip things that you pushed into the seat then you had to flip them on the side so they would stay in place.
I struggle with them and I was getting frustrated but I eventually managed to get them on.

They are waterproof so now we are all ready for Freya to be in the car.

Just in time too because they are getting home today.
Likely not until later tonight - I told Kody to let me know when they were getting close so I could be over there when she saw her new bedroom.

It was around 9:30 pm when they got home.
I had Freya's bedroom door shut and made her wait a mintue until she opened the door so I could video.

Critiquing my make over of her bedroom.
She wasn't happy about the 'gross' pictures I put up but aside from that I think she liked it.
She noticed 'Thing' at the end there - she was quite happy about that.

Kids are funny - they don't try to hide their feelings at all, they just say it like it is which is refreshing actually.
Overall - I think she was pleased with her room.

She kept asking for Jason but he hadn't come over with me and she really wanted to come over to our place just for a visit but it was too late for that.
We both have to work tomorrow but then Jason goes on days off so I'm sure she'll be sleeping over tomorrow night.

It's so nice to have her back home - I really missed her.
I visited just for a short time because it was so late then I headed back home.

Jason made his famous low calorie ice cream for us before we went to bed.
It's such a nice treat in the summer - he makes it pretty much every night - just changes up the flavors a bit.

I saw these on social media somewhere for sale and I think they are so stinking cute.
I thought I could maybe try making some.
All the Halloween stuff is coming out already.
Kind of a bummer - I like Halloween but I'm not ready for summer to end - it's never long enough.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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