Thursday 10 August 2023

Where Art Thou Summer and Fizzled Experiment (Aug.8, 2023)

I don't know what happened to summer but the weather here has been very grey and dreary lately with no end in sight. 

I didn't let that stop me from going out for a walk to the road though.

One thing to be thankful for is no snow!

The fresh air is always good for me.

Meanwhile, back at the house, Freya was doing Auntie Jen's make up.
She's doing a fantastic job.

My ankle started bothering me on Sunday and my right shoulder started bothering me around the time I was working on Freya's room and it flared up pretty good yesterday.
I was in a lot of pain at work this morning - my desk set up isn't exactly ergonomically correct so I think that's the reason.
Whatever it was, I left and went home an hour early at lunch time so I could ice it and rest it a bit.
I did that for an hour then I hopped on the treadmill to get some steps in.

I only walked while I was on there - I didn't want to aggravate either of my injuries.
This getting older is for the birds.

It felt good to get a bit of a work out down even if it wasn't a tough one.

Jason texted me to tell me that he was taking Freya to the skate park for a walk so I stopped there after work.
It was starting to rain so I thought they might want a drive home but Freya was determined to stay there and play for a bit.

So I went home and hopped on the treadmill and walked some more to get the rest of my steps in.

It took a while because I was only walking but I did it!

Jason and Freya got back then we all went out and did the mentos experiement.
Jen had gotten cokes and mentos for all the kids.

It was kind of anti-climactic.

Jason made chicken for supper and it was delicious.
Declan, Hunter and Mom.



Kody came over too and we had a game another game of Drawful.

My girl.
She's a little too young for Drawful yet but she tried.

Mom cheered us all on.

Hunter always makes the goofiest faces when I want to take his picture.

We played two games and Jason won them both.

Hunter and Freya were doing some dancing.

They got a pretty good case of the giggles.

Freya did my make up.

A little giggle for today.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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