Monday 28 August 2023

Happy Friday (Aug.25, 2023)

 I woke up when Jason was getting ready for work and decided to get up, make myself a coffee and then find a movie to watch.

I was in the mood for a good cheesy Hallmark type movie so I found this one with Erin Krakow in it from When Calls the Heart.
It was cute.
I was going to work on my blog a bit next but previews came on for another movie that looked cute so I decided to watch it.

Learning to Love Again.
It was cute too.
When it was done, I headed to the hardware and took a bunch of my Fall stuff and added it to my booth.

Then I went back home, got ready and headed out for a run.
We finally have some nice weather today - it's been feeling like Autumn around here lately.

I changed up my route a bit just to make it interesting.
I wanted to do at least 5k but hopefully more.
I was trying not to look at my fitbit but then I needed to use the washroom so I headed to the office for a pitstop.
I was just shy of the 7 k mark so I figured I'd run some more after I used the bathroom but I got to the 7k mark then I didn't feel like running anymore so I decided to just finish at 7 then run the rest of the way home.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

It felt good to get the run done just as it always does.

When I got home, Freya was there.
Kody and Haylee went to Whitecourt so they dropped her off to me.

She wanted to go out for a bike ride so I took her and we stopped at the park.

She is getting so independant - and she is such a little monkey - climbing over everything.

Such a little climber.

Back at the house we just hung out and watched videos.
I wanted to go to Subway to get supper for Jason and I and it took some time but I finally convinced her to come with me.

Then she wanted to to to Swan Palace for some french fries so I took her and she had fries with gravy.
They have really good french fries.
I had a few with her but for the most part, she ate all of them.

Kody and Haylee dropped by for a visit when they got home from Whitecourt and to pick Freya up but she wanted to stay the night with us so we let her.

Jason had to cook a few briskets up for the ladies golf tournament tomorrow so he was a bit busy but he did find time to play downstairs with Freya so she was happy.

Then we had an early night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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