Friday 4 August 2023

Declan Turns 11! (Aug.2, 2023)

 We were having a bit of a rainy day out there today but I still made sure to get out for my walk.

I had my raincoat on just in case.
I did get sprinkled on but it felt nice and by the time I was heading back the sun was trying to come out and I even ended up taking my coat off.

Little Miss spent the night at our place.
Her new favorite snack is baloney on a plate with Franks hot sauce.
She dips the baloney in the hot sauce then when it's all gone, she licks the rest of the hot sauce off of the plate.
What a girl.

I met she and Jason at Burger Baron for lunch.
Jason had a Greek Salad - doesn't that look good?

I had the donair salad.
It had donair meat on it and this crust of cheese.
It was good, I could only eat about half of it - it was a lot.

From there I headed back to work and Jason took Freya over to Rexall.
He had to pick something up and he let her pick out a treat for herself.

She picked this mini frying pan that came with a spatula and she wanted to cook herself an egg in it as soon as they got home.

Jason gave her the Wednesday Addams prom dress he had ordered for her.

Safe to say she liked it.

I thought it would be big for her but it fit her pretty well.

Jason was watching Alivia and Hunter too and Alivia braided Freya's hair for her.
She left that dress on all night until Kody came and picked her up.

In other news, my nephew Declan had a birthday today!
Guess he's not so little anymore, he turned 11!

Jen shared a few pictures of him here.

Such a handsome little dude.

He isn't afraid to do his own thing and I love that about him.
I didn't send anything since they are going to be here Friday night so I'll just treat him while he's here.
I still need to get something for Jen too so I'll get them both to pick out something they really like.

I'm so excited that they are coming!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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