Tuesday 8 August 2023

Pedicures, Galaxy Land, Pizza and Ice Cream (Aug.5, 2023)

We were up early and had coffee then Jason and I got ready and headed out for a run.
We weren't far from the river valley so that's the way we went for a run.

It felt really good running today and I wanted to do at least 5k, which I did.
I think I could have even done more but I came to a steep hill and I just couldn't run up it so I had to walk.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

It was so nice out and I really like running in the river valley area.

After I walked to the top, I decided I wanted to run a bit more so I ran another km.

The exercise details.

My pace for that 1 km.

We got back to the house and got ready then headed over to the mall.
Mel, Alivia, Hunter and Morgan were meeting us there to take the kids to Galaxy Land for Alivia's birthday today.

Adrien ended up coming with them too.
It was right around lunch time so we met them at the food court.

It was perfect because everyone was able to pick out what they wanted.

Jason and I had shawarma's and we shared a salad platter - it was delicious.

Everyone headed to Galaxy Land but I'm not much into rides so Morgan and I went for pedicures instead.

I had picked out a pale pink color but the nail tech told me that the bruises I had on my big toes would show under it so I should pick out a darker color.
So I went with black.
I"ve never had black before but I liked it.

We did some shopping then we headed back to meet up with everyone at Galaxy Land.

The boys were getting geared up to go on this climbing thing.

Declan, Hunter, Ethan and Ethan's buddy from NS who just happens to be visiting in Alberta right now all went in.

Hunter was a little cautious at first, I wasn't sure if he'd do it but he did.

I was proud of him.

There's Declan in the back there.

He made it across.

They went all the way up to the top then came back down again.

Ethan, Declan, Jen and Morgan.

Morgan did end up going on one ride with Jennifer.

Jason was off shopping and he found these one piece jumpsuits for Freya.

They came in sets of two so he was asking me what I thought.

This little one shoulder one was cute.

So was this one.
Jason just ended up getting both sets.

It was quite late when we finally left the mall and Adrien and Mel drove the kids over and dropped them off at the VRBO.

Then they headed back to Swan Hills because Mel had to work tonight.

We had pizza for supper - Jen ordered Panago for her and the kids and Jason and I had Sepps.

Then we walked over to get ice creams.

It was hard to get everyone looking.

We ended up going to Yelo'd just because we came upon it first.

Hunter had chocolate and Morgan had the Ube soft serve on warm chocolate rice pudding.

I had ordered a cone with two different flavors and then when I saw what Morgan ordered, I wanted to try that too and I'm glad I did because it was fantastic.
The hard ice cream was just ok but I'd go back for the rice pudding/ube soft serve anytime - it had cocoa pebbles cereal on it too - it was amazing!

Jason and Alivia enjoying their ice creams.

Ethan and Declan opted to stay at the VRBO and skip out on the ice cream.

We spent the rest of the evening just hanging out at the vrbo.

I saw this on Urban Whyte's website and I loved it - I like the transfer.

A few laughs for today.......

Bahaha - cheese is pretty expensive these days.

So true!

I've learned to just go big from the start!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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