Tuesday 29 August 2023

Weigh in Day (Aug.28, 2023)

Weigh in Day.

I was 213 lbs.

That's up .4 lbs - I didn't get back on track as quickly as I planned but I will.

I got out for a walk this morning and it was so nice out. 

I do see that the leaves are starting to change color.
I like Fall but I wish Summer was longer.

Some more leaves that have changed colors already.

At lunch I got out for a run.
I considered going on the treadmill but it was just too nice out and winter will be here soon enough.
Need to take advantage of these nice days when they were here.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

It ended up being far hotter out than I expected, it was 28 C.

I had long leggings and a long sleeve shirt on so way over dressed.

I was dripping sweat when I got home and not going to lie - the run was tough.

Felt so good to get it done though.

I noticed these pretty colors on a tree across the street from my house.
Fall really is just around the corner.

Back at the office for the afternoon I froze my butt off.
The air conditioning was making that office so cold that by the end of the day I was shivering and my nose was running.
I had to put a hoodie on and my heater.
Then I went outside after work and it was a heat wave out there.

Jason brought me home a leftover burger and some sausages from their bbq the other day and I ate that while he was out for his bike ride.
He rolled his ankle the other morning while he was running so he's taking a short break from running and biking instead.

When he got back, he and I biked up to Kody's to have a look at their electrical panel.
A few of their outlets aren't working so we were trying to see if we could figure it out - looks like a breaker may need replacing.

We biked there and back, it wasn't even 3k but still, better than nothing.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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