Sunday 27 August 2023

Bubble Tea, Noodle Soup and CupBop's (Aug.20, 2023)

Jason and I took the girls out for a bike ride this morning.
We started off at the park but made our way over to the lake.

It wasn't really beach day weather unfortunately.

But that didn't stop Freya from testing out the water.

She almost looks like she was walking on water.

Stopped for a picture with the cow by the ice cream store.
We left there and headed further up Lake Shore - Jason wanted a Banh Mi sandwich and we saw a little Vietnamese place on our bike ride the other day so we decided to head there.
It was called Spinnakers Vietnamese.

Jason got his sandwich and the girls and I got Bubble drinks.
It was their first time having it and they liked it.
Zepp got pineapple.

Freya got strawberry.
Their choices matched their tops.

I got the Ube one with coconut jelly.

We sat there while Jason was eating then the girls decided they wanted noodles.
So we ordered a bowl of pho with just noodles and broth and split it between the two girls.

Both girls wanted to learn how to use chopsticks.

Not exactly right but it works.

Both girls added hot sauce too - how do kids these days handle so much spice?

The spoon did come in handy too.

Ha ha - the Queen of evil looks.

She came up with her own way to use the chopsticks.
Who knew they were so versatile.

She loves her noodles.

Pouty face - she looks unhappy but she wasn't.

Needs more hot sauce.

We decided to take some silly pictures while we were sitting there.



Goofy look #2.

Nice picture of Zepplyn - It's hard to get her to look and smile.

Look Grandma - my eyes are white.

Zepp's are too.

After we finished eating, we started heading back to the house.

The girls wanted a picture by this metal art structure thing.

Zepplyn wanted one by herself.

We made our way back to the house and the girls were pretty tired - we covered a lot of ground today.
So we left them there at the house - Leanne was leaving today so I think they were going to go out for some dinner and since Jason and I hadn't gone for a run today, we decided to go for a good bike ride.

Jason found a trailer for sale for 85k so we decided to go have a look at it.
I think we might have been interested but there was a lot rental of 500/month so that kind of made it less attractive.

So we went and looked at another condo that was for sale and it was way on the other side of town.
We always seem to like to check out real estate when we go to different places - we always entertain the idea of buying a vacation place or maybe something that we could use as a vrbo but we have never jumped in and done it.

Who knows though - it might happen someday.

We ended up finding some bike trails so we decided to drive them and check them out.

We came to this teepee structure along one of the bike paths - cool.

It was near a really nice new subdivision area - I like the way it was designed - it wasn't just your run of the mill subdivision.
The homes there were all really nice - some were huge single homes, others were duplexes and others were row houses.
They were all beautiful - there were fountains and common areas and ponds and kids parks - very nice.

We stopped at The Burger Parlour for ice cream then we decided to check out a nearby restaurant.

We tried one of their cups that are filled with all kinds of goodies.

We got the B Bop one because it was less spicy - we both like bulgogi.
It was really tasty - the dumplings in it were delicious.

We also tried the spicy wings - they were a bit too spicy for me.

Then I tried a corn dog - they had several different versions.
I tried the sausage and potato - It had sugar sprinkled on it which was odd but not bad.

We ended up biking 20 k all together.

The exercise details.

One year ago today we ran a marathon in Iceland - still one of my proudest achievements.

Back at the house it was pretty chill.
Leanne had headed home, Haylee is staying another night.

Mom, Rob, Jen and I had a couple games of Skip-Bo and a couple card games and then mom started in on the puzzle I'd brought.
Of course once she started on it - I had to get doing it too.
I'm a total puzzle addict.

I realized close to midnight that I hadn't gotten all of my steps in so I got up and started walking on the spot but I just didn't have enough time and I was a few hundred short when the clock struck midnight.

I can't believe I did that.
Any way - it is what it is - too late to do anything about it now.

I worked on the puzzle a bit longer before calling it a night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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